This application implements the whole backend system for managing multiple blood banks. The whole appliaction is written in java with Spring boot framework.
* `brew install postgres` (Mac OsX command)
* `brew services start postgresql` (start postgres)
* `create user root with encrypted password 'admin';` (create use)
* `create database blood_bank; (create database);`
* `grant all privileges on database blood_bank to root;` (grant permission to the user on database auth_wizard)
* clone this repository
* `cd blodd-bank`
* `mvn clean install` -- build project
* populate properties file values
* cd rest-web
* `mvn spring-boot:run` -- command to deploy this project
* After deployment, open swagger-ui using endpoint (localhost:8080/blood-bank/swagger-ui.html)
* In swagger-UI, there are two endpoint all functionality required