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The Engine

Welcome to all visitors who stumbles upon our Engine source code! From this repository you can build your own 3D engine.

Our primary focus lies with Windows development at the moment, but we are intending to release for Linux and Mac platforms as well.

Please note that we are in a very early stage in development so this project is quite unstable.

If you'd like to contribute, you can do so of course! We are quite happy if you're willing to join our ranks. Before that, please read CONTRIBUTING to gain information about the project.

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].

Please review the license agreement before proceeding! This is an open source project and completely free but it is not permitted to use for commercial purposes.

If you require any help or assistance, please contact us on nextgenstar@github. Have fun!

Version Control

The development takes place primarily in master branch.

In order to keep our repository clean, please do NOT commit directly to master. If you are intending to add a new feature or fix, please create a fork from latest master, then create a pull request for review.

Please find more information in PULL_REQUESTS_MANAGEMENT how the reviewing should be done.

First Steps

Before proceeding please go through this checklist to see what tools you need to develop the Engine.


For Windows
For Linux


For Mac


Setup Development Environment

Please follow these steps to configure your local development environment.

For Windows
  • Open your source folder in Explorer and execute configure.cmd. This automatic script shall check and configure your development environment.
  • Load the project into Visual Studio by double-clicking on the targets/engine.sln file. Right click on the editor target and select Build.
For Linux/Mac
  • Execute ./scripts/ This bash script shall check and configure your development environment accordingly.
  • Please view your ./targets directory and you're ready to go!