Skyfall is an Endless Speed/Survival mobile game developed using Unity Game Engine and Blender.
->The player has to avoid the obstacles and travel as far as possible without hitting any obstacle or exhausting his oxygen. ->The game relies on the Gyroscope sensor of the phone and thus the user must tilt the phone to control side movement of the player and duck the obstacles. ->Various collectibles like oxygen bar,Static Score Multipliers,Slow Motion Clocks have been set along the path for the user to pick and boost ocygen level,Score and slowing the time respectively.
In Case any developer wants to contribute to the overall improvement of the game He/She can do so by forking the github repository Pull requests are welcome(Reviewed by GameDev IITK). For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
A Feedback report has been incorporated in the Game itself and the user can submit his/her report/suggestions in the game itself.
The following Assests have been used or downloaded from various sources-: ->Astronaut Model ( ->Spaceship Model ( ->Space Skybox ( ->Background Score (Produced on FL studio 20; Sound Design plugin credits:ReFE nexus 2; Melody inspired by Interstellar title track by Hans Zimmer) ->Menu Recording (NASA recording ->Oxygen Cylinder/Tank ( ->Score Mutliplier Token ( ->48 Particle Effect (Unity Asset Store)
Apache License 2.0(LICENSE.txt)