Home Assistant custom integration to control KDK Airy fan (and light) over the internet.
- KDK Airy E48HP (without light)
- KDK Airy E48GP (with light)
HACS > Add Custom Repositories
Add KDK Airy
Manually copy kdk_airy
folder from latest release to /config/custom_components
- Ensure that you have registered your KDK fans to the official KDK Ceiling Fan app.
- Install the integration and login with the same username/password as your KDK Ceiling Fan app.
- Supported devices (fan/light) will be added to Home Assistant. The default entity names will follow the ones set in the KDK Ceiling Fan app.
- Fan speed can be set at 10% intervals, rounded up, i.e. 82% -> 90%.
- Fan direction can be set (forward/reverse).
- Light brightness can be set at 10% intervals, rounded up, i.e. 82% -> 90%.
- Light temperature can be changed.
- Light brightness at 10% / 20% / 30% is reserved for night light feature and corresponds to Low / Medium / High night light.
- If entity is marked as unavailable/no response, it likely means that switch is off or wi-fi is disconnected (press the wifi button on the remote control).
- Light temperature (degrees of Kelvin K) is approximated.
- Close to (but not) realtime sync on fan status, polls for current fan status every 15s.