This project is about working on protein and nucleic sequences, stored in FASTA formatted files, in order to make specific searches (by gene name, sequence, position in the genome and sub-string), translations and later calculate distances or make sequencing simulations.
Clean *.o files:
make clean
Clean *.o and executable file:
make wipeout
Execute project:
Search by:
- Gene name
- Sequence
- Position in the genome
- Sub sequence (e.g. search for sequences having this kind of regex patern:
[ATCG].*[ATCG].*[ATCG] etc
Search in the dictionary-tree:
- Full sequences
- Number of sequences starting by a given prefix
Nucleic sequences are translated into their proteic sequences. Output is in data/translation.txt
Give the header (or a particular element of the header that is a unique identificator of that sequence) to the program and it will simulate a sequencing followed by an assembly de novo. The goal is to align and merge fragments (randomly generated) of this sequence in order to reconstruct the original sequence. You can set different parameters to change the assembly precision and number of reads: NB_NUCL
: average time of apparition of each base. READ_LENGTH
: size of each read created de novo. READ_OVERLAP_LENGTH
: length of the accepted overlap between two reads.
Valgrind command line example to test with S_pombe.fasta file only:
valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --max-stackframe=3000000 ./projet_fasta -n data/S_pombe.fasta
is set because we initialize a huge array of structure at the begining of the program. That means a large range of adresses to allocate, and valgrind warns for that.
Valgrind command line example to test with S_pombe_genome.fasta file only:
valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./projet_fasta -a data/S_pombe_complet.fasta -c "MT dna:chromosome chromosome:ASM294v2:MT:1:19431:1"
Working parameters for sequence assembly in the file S_pombe_genome.fasta
For the 1st sequence: MT dna:chromosome chromosome:ASM294v2:MT:1:19431:1
$ ./projet_fasta -a data/S_pombe_complet.fasta -c "MT dna:chromosome chromosome:ASM294v2:MT:1:19431:1"
Analyse des séquences du fichier...
Taille de la séquence étudiée pour l'assemblage: 20128 nucléotides
Génération des reads...
100 % [===============================================>]
Nombre de reads générés: 388
***************** ASSEMBLAGE DU GENOME *****************
Le génome a bien été assemblé !
############## RAPPORT D'ACTIVITE DU PROGRAMME ##############
Temps d'analyse des séquences du fichier: 38.14 secondes
Temps d'assemblage du génome: 30.48 secondes
For the 3rd sequence: MTR dna:chromosome chromosome:ASM294v2:MTR:1:20128:1
$ ./projet_fasta -a data/S_pombe_complet.fasta -c "MTR"
Analyse des séquences du fichier...
Taille de la séquence étudiée pour l'assemblage: 20128 nucléotides
Génération des reads...
100 % [===============================================>]
Nombre de reads générés: 402
***************** ASSEMBLAGE DU GENOME *****************
Le génome a bien été assemblé !
############## RAPPORT D'ACTIVITE DU PROGRAMME ##############
Temps d'analyse des séquences du fichier: 39.09 secondes
Temps d'assemblage du génome: 32.87 secondes