AWS Summit 2024 Jakarta --- ObservabilityAI: Memanfaatkan Amazon Bedrock Untuk Memantau Kinerja RESTful API Golang
Master modern web development by building an improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around…
Course files for Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer - Antoni Tzavelas
g3xforce / insta-posts
Forked from hexblend/insta-postsOfficial repo for the code base behind my daily instagram posts.
g3xforce / linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes
Forked from Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzesFull reference of LinkedIn answers 2021 for skill assessments, LinkedIn test, questions and answers (aws-lambda, rest-api, javascript, react, git, html, jquery, mongodb, java, css, python, machine-…
UI Login and Register with Toggle between each pages
Flutter Bottom NavBar that connected to each menu
Multi level Dependend Dropdown From Address in Indonesia
This is simple learn for light and dark theme in flutter using provider and shared preferences.
A fully functional social media app built with flutter with multiple features
Official repo for the code base behind my daily instagram posts.