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Fuse Fonts Website

This is the Fuse Fonts website built using Firebase, Sapper, and Svelte.




Up and Running

npm install


Refer to sapper docs.

To perform local development:

npm run dev

This site utilizes refererURLs, so Firebase Analytics scripts don't load when performaing local dev. See [src/client/analytics.js](src/client/analytics.js) for details. Enable the debug flag to log to the events to the console.


You'll need firebase:

npm i -g firebase-tools@latest

With firebase, you will need multiple hosting targets to map the deployment commands in package.json.

The three targets consist of: production, cdn, staging, and demo. The item needing most explaining is demo: it is a production hosting target which contains the fuse fonts demo.

Run this to add a hosting target—replacing [resource] with your firebase hosting resource name. Learn More

firebase target:apply hosting production [resource]
firebase target:apply hosting cdn [resource]
firebase target:apply hosting staging [resource]
firebase target:apply hosting demo [resource]

Deploying demo target

  1. If you want to deploy the fusefonts demo, you will need to clone the Fuse Fonts Plugin submodule first:
git submodule init
git submodule update

Learn more about git submodules here.

  1. Install the Fuse Font plugin dependencies
npm run init:demo
  1. Build and Deploy

You can work within the plugin folder, if you so wish, and utilize those npm commands. But to perform a build from @fusefonts/website, run:

npm run build:demo

and when you're ready to deploy:

npm run deploy:demo