This requestIdleCallback polyfill doesn't use the window object to detect if the feature is supported in the browser and falls back to a simple timeout if the feature isn't supported.
npm install @fseehawer/requestidlecallback
import requestIdleCallback from '@fseehawer/requestidlecallback'
requestIdleCallback(() => {
// your non-splittable task
for splittable task you can use the yielding technique:
requestIdleCallback((deadline) => {
while ((deadline.timeRemaining() > 0) || deadline.didTimeout) {
// your splittable tasks
Or node-style:
var requestIdleCallback = require('@fseehawer/requestidlecallback')
// same as above
import requestIdleCallback, { cancelIdleCallback } from '@fseehawer/requestidlecallback'
// your code
const id = requestIdleCallback(doSomething)
// then if you need to cancel
Or node-style:
var requestIdleCallback = require('@fseehawer/requestidlecallback')
var cancel = requestIdleCallback.cancelIdleCallback
// your code
var id = requestIdleCallback(doSomething)
// then if you need to cancel