This is a Modular Layer 2 Neutron Mechanism driver. The mechanism driver is
responsible for applying configuration information to hardware equipment.
provides a pluggable framework to implement
functionality required for use-cases like OpenStack Ironic multi-tenancy mode.
It abstracts applying changes to all switches managed by this ML2 plugin
and handling local_link_information
field of Neutron port.
- Code:
- Bugs:
- Docs: TBD
- Cisco IOS switches
- Huawei switches
- OpenVSwitch
- Arista EOS
- Dell (S4810)
This Mechanism Driver architecture allows easily to add more devices of any type.
OpenStack Neutron v2.0 => ML2 plugin => Generic Mechanism Driver => Device plugin
As example plugins, Cisco IOS and Linux OpenVSwitch are provided. These device plugins use Netmiko library, which in turn uses Paramiko library to access and configure the switches via SSH protocol.
In order to use this mechanism the generic configuration file needs to be created/updated with the appropriate configuration information.
Switch configuration format:
[genericswitch:<switch name>] device_type = <netmiko device type> ip = <IP address of switch> port = <ssh port> username = <credential username> password = <credential password> key_file = <ssh key file> secret = <enable secret>
Here is an example of
for the Cisco IOS device:
[genericswitch:sw-hostname] device_type = netmiko_cisco_ios username = admin password = password secret = secret ip = <switch mgmt ip address>
for the Huawei device:
[genericswitch:sw-hostname] device_type = netmiko_huawei username = admin password = password port = 8222 secret = secret ip = <switch mgmt ip address>
for the Arista EOS device:
[genericswitch:arista-hostname] device_type = netmiko_arista_eos ip = <switch mgmt ip address> username = admin key_file = /opt/data/arista_key
for the Dell device:
[genericswitch:dell-hostname] device_type = netmiko_dell_force10 ip = <switch mgmt ip address> username = admin password = password secret = secret
Additionally the GenericSwitch
mechanism driver needs to be enabled from
the ml2 config file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
[ml2] tenant_network_types = vlan type_drivers = local,flat,vlan,gre,vxlan mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,genericswitch ... ...
(Re)start neutron-server
specifying this additional configuration file:
neutron-server \ --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf \ --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini \ --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_genericswitch.ini