App to generate MARCXML, EAD for Virginia Heritage, and HTML for JMU Libraries website from ArchivesSpace EAD finding aids
Created and tested with Python 3.6 and Saxon-HE 9.7. Requires requests and ArchivesSnake. PyInstaller 3.3.1 used to create executable.
To set up environment from file: conda env create –f=environment.yml
Requires a config file (local_settings.ini) in the same directory. Example of local_settings.ini:
The app can be run from the command line (with or without GUI) or the executable.
To run Spaceport with GUI: python
To run Spaceport from the command line: python input output
where input
is a text file listing IDs (one per line) and output
is the location where the generated files will be saved.
Optional arguments:
--vaheritage run ASpace2VaHeritage.xsl
--marcxml run ASpace2MARCXML.xsl
--html run ASpace2HTML.xsl
--htmlmulti run ASpace2HTML-gencontainer.xsl (multiple container types)
--htmlnew run as-ead-html-jmu.xsl (new design)
--htmlabs run ASpace2HTMLabstract.xsl
--retainexport retain EAD exported from ArchivesSpace
- ASpace2MARCXML.xsl creates MARC record from EAD exported from ArchivesSpace
- ASpace2VaHeritage.xsl modifies ArchivesSpace EAD for upload to Virginia Heritage
- ASpace2HTMLabstract.xsl creates abstract snippet for website manuscript list.
- ASpace2HTML.xsl creates finding aid web page (old design)
- For finding aids with multiple container types (old design), use ASpace2HTML-gencontainer.xsl instead of ASpace2HTML.xsl.
- as-ead-html-jmu.xsl creates finding aid web page (new design)
pyinstaller --noconsole -F -n spaceport
These scripts are released under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.
Rebecca B. French -