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Aditya Puranik edited this page Jun 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

How do I save my notebook?

Your notebook is auto-saved every time that you run a cell. Keep in mind that changes to a cell's code are not saved until you run that cell.

Can I open multiple notebooks at the same time?

Yes! Click on the logo ( ) to go back to the welcome screen. You can use your browser tabs to see multiple notebooks simultaneously.

What are the keyboard shortcuts?

Shift+Enter - run cell

Ctrl+Enter - run cell and add cell below

Tab - show autocomplete

F1 - show keyboard shortcuts

The full list is here

What are the export formats?

You can find all options by clicking the Export button at the top right of your notebook.

Pluto currently supports:

  • Julia - Your notebook file is a Julia script. The funky looking comments inside the file are used by Pluto to know which code belongs to which cell, and how cells should be ordered. Notebooks are saved every time you run a cell
  • HTML - You can share this file with others, and you can host it online, on for example. All UI elements will be hidden. Pluto's fonts and layout are embedded as web links, so the output will look strange when viewed without an internet connection.
  • PDF - A standalone document that will work offline. Pluto will hide all UI elements in print mode.

Can I export a notebook with @bind as a standalone interactive document?

Yes! Put your notebook file on GitHub, on GitHub Gist or anywhere else on the web, and make sure that you use Pkg inside the notebook to get dependencies. Next, go to to generate an interactive link.

1-click online exports is one of our main long-term goals. Get in touch if you want to collaborate!

Can I use Pluto remotely?

If the server (where Pluto will run) and the client (the machine whose browser will use Pluto) are on the same network then set the host to while launching Pluto (e.g""). An example use case is if you have a headless raspberry pi and a laptop connected to the same wi-fi network in your home. You can run Pluto on the raspberry-pi and use your laptop's browser for development.

However if the server is remote and has a public ip you need to set up an SSH tunnel. First, log in to your server using SSH and start a Pluto server. Then open a local terminal on your own computer and type:

ssh user@ipaddress -N -L 1234:localhost:1234

with user and ipaddress filled in accordingly. You can then go to http://localhost:1234/ on your own computer to get started! For more info and instructions for Windows, see this guide. This can come in handy if your server is on a cloud service such as AWS or Azure. The latter method can be used in the former case too provided an ssh client is available and enabled on both machines.