Small food planning tool
First clone the repo. Then go to the folder 'buildScripts' and adjust the 'variables' file according to your preferences.
Then run the script 'buildScripts/setup' to install the project and all dependencies.
First go to the project folder, then run the following commands:
npm install
npm run-script build
Before starting the server you need to provide the following environment variables. You can for example do so by writíng them to a file and use the following shell script to export all of them:
while read p; do
export $p
done < .build_scripts/variables
- FOOD_HOME=/root/foodplanner/server/
- FOOD_CLIENT=/root/foodplanner/dist/
- FOOD_TESTS=/root/foodplanner/test/
- FOOD_ROOT=/root/foodplanner/
- FOOD_PORT=22222
- FOOD_EXTERNAL=localhost
- FOOD_UUID=asdajsdlajiwdj1ij023j21oh9d8a98chao9fh8fjsd3b2fkjnöcou09djdibadj23hbsiu8szfhu2n23ud9s8fjs3rnun
- SSLKEY=/root/keystore/key.pem
- SSLCERT=/root/keystore/cert.pem
- DEVELOP=true
Also set up an external mysql database and provide the access data as global variable:
- ADMIN_DB_PASSWORD=mydbadminpassword
- ADMIN_DB_HOST=localhost
Finally run the setup script to setup the database. Once complete you can start the server.
node server/setup.js
node server/index.js