Releases: fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel
Releases · fly-apps/dockerfile-laravel
What's Changed
- support php 8.4 by @fideloper in #45
New Contributors
- @fideloper made their first contribution in #45
Full Changelog: 1.0.6...1.0.7
What's Changed
- Filament v3 Performance Optimization AND Ignore new line differences during test by @KTanAug21 in #32
- Update local installation instructions by @heyjorgedev in #34
- Support FrankenPHP to embed Laravel app into a standalone binary by @KTanAug21 in #35
- Remove asset build stage when no package.json exists by @KTanAug21 in #40
New Contributors( Great job! )
- @heyjorgedev made their first contribution in #34
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5
What's Changed
- Test successful generation of templates by @KTanAug21 in #27
- Blade conditionals separate line by @rubys in #28
- Add a ci test by @rubys in #30
- Detect octane flavors by @KTanAug21 in #29
Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4
What's Changed
- Fix dockerfile template generated for Laravel versions below 11 by @KTanAug21 in #25
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3
What's Changed
- Remove version from composer_json_to_push_new_release_to_packagist by @KTanAug21 in #24
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
What's Changed
- Ask before overwriting file(s) by @rubys in #19
- Generate .fly directory when fly.toml found by @KTanAug21 in #21
- Detect Laravel Version by @KTanAug21 in #20
- Don't include the .env file in fly/dockerignore generated if not deploying to prod by @KTanAug21 in #22
- Include Laravel 11 syntax for Trusting all Proxies in the Dockerfile by @KTanAug21 in #23
- Remove version in composer.json to successfully push release to packagist
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
This is the first version of the dockerfile-laravel package!
It generates a Dockerfile for Laravel applications( which can work on most PHP applications as well! ) the provides support for the following features:
- Default Nginx-flavored web server.
- Or, alternately an Octane-flavored web server: FrankenPHP, RoadRunner, Swoole.
- Static Asset Bundling through Vite or Mix
- Scheduler setup for background tasks
- Generation of relevant scripts essential for deploying your application as a Laravel Fly App, when applicable
Special thanks to @fideloper for authoring the backbone, and entirety of this version, making this first release possible---thank you!