Management tool to build arch packages on docker
You need a working docker installation and some core utilities.
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd docker-archlinux-builder
Add binaries to your path:
export PATH="$(pwd)/.bin:$PATH"
First, prepare the makepkg image:
docker-makepkg update
Then, get the build files for the package you want to build:
git clone --depth 1 --branch "packages/${package_name}" --single-branch '' "$package_name"
# or
git clone --depth 1 --single-branch "${package_name}.git"
Finally, build the package with the helper script:
docker-makepkg build "${package_name}/trunk"
# or
docker-makepkg build "${package_name}"
Tip: You can enable headless mode by passing
as build argument to makepkg.
Because Archlinux is a rolling-release distribution, it's important that you keep the makepkg image up-to-date.
Run regularly:
docker-makepkg update
And update monthly the base image:
docker-makepkg base-update
Remove the makepkg image:
docker-makepkg remove
Delete the git repository:
cd ..
rm -rf docker-archlinux-builder
If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or write us:
This is a project by fliegwerk: