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Create a MPEG video summarising a movie using data from IMDB (obsolete)

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# This project is inactive and archived here for reference #


Create a MPEG video summarising a movie using data from IMDB
Copyright (c) 2009 Flexion.Org,
Copyright (c) 2009,

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

The fonts are distributed under the following copyright:
Copyright (c) 2003 by Bitstream, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bitstream Vera is a 
trademark of Bitstream, Inc.

The fonts have a generous copyright, allowing derivative works (as long as 
"Bitstream" or "Vera" are not in the names), and full redistribution (so long as 
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sold with any software.


I run a DLNA server with my PS3 as the client. I am working towards importing my 
entire DVD and Blu-Ray collection into my DLNA server. However, my wife wants to 
know something about each film in the library without having to dig out the 
DVD case from storage. My solution is to include a video clip which displays the 
film summary so it can be easily viewed from the PS3.


  IMDB-to-MPEG.php -f movie.mkv -t "Move Title" -i 1234567 -o m4v -r 864x480 -c UK

The script accepts several arguments. One of -f, -t or -i are required.
  -f : Provide a path to a filename of the film. The move to search for
       will be derived from the filename. The filename will be moved to
       categorised directory structure.
  -t : Provide a film title to search for.
  -i : Provide an IMDB ID to search for. Providing an IMDB ID will override
       the title, if supplied, or a title derived from a filename
  -a : Automates execution by accepting the first search result.
  -c : Set the country you want to use for getting the movie certificate.
       For example: Australia, Canada, Germany, UK, USA, etc.
  -o : Set the MPEG output format, one of 'm4v', 'mp4', 'm2v' or 'mpg'.
  -r : Set the MPEG output resolution in the format 852x480. Examples:
       Resolution  Aspect ratio
       720x480     4:3
       852x480     16:9
       1280x720    16:9
       1365x768    16:9
       1920x1080   16:9
  -d : Enable debug mode.
  -h : This help.

This script requires at least one argument or either filename (-f), title (-t)
or IMDB ID (-i). If you just supply the path to a file then the script will try 
to lookup the film based on that filename. In addition you can provide some 
optional arguments to help find the correct film. For example...

Search by title by passing the optional title argument -t. If the film title has 
spaces it should be wrapped in double quotes.

 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -f ~/Videos/The_Usual_Suspects.mpg -t "Usual Suspects" 
Search by IMDB ID by passing the optional IMDB ID argument -i 
 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -f ~/Videos/The_Usual_Suspects.mpg -i 0114814 

If you just want to refresh or create a film summary without having a film file 
you can omit the use of the filename argument (-f) and just use title (-t) or 
IMDB ID (-i) arguments. For example:

 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -t "Usual Suspects" -c UK
 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -i 0114814 -c UK

When you run the script with the required search criteria the covert art, 
plotline, year of release, genres, cast list and running time for that film are 
gathered from IMDB and formatted as text. You'll be prompted to confirm that 
this is the film you are seeking. Here is an example.

The Usual Suspects (1995)

Five Criminals . One Line Up . No Coincidence

A boat has been destroyed, criminals are dead, and the key to this mystery
lies with the only survivor and his twisted, convoluted story beginning
with five career crooks in a seemingly random police lineup.

Stephen Baldwin as Michael McManus, Gabriel Byrne as Dean Keaton, Benicio
Del Toro as Fred Fenster, Kevin Pollak as Todd Hockney, and Kevin Spacey as
Roger 'Verbal' Kint.

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Thriller.

Certificate: 18

Rated 8.7 out of 10 from 237,470 votes.
Use this movie [Y/n]:

The first IMDB entry that matches the search string will be used, which works 
fine most of the time so long as the title string or IMDB ID are accurate. 
Should the search result not be the film you are looking for you can select an 
alternative from the list provided. Once a film has been selected the text is 
converted into a series of images and then encoded into a MPEG video. 

The default behaviour is to encode a MPEG-4 video at a resolution of 852x480.
You can optionally encode the video as MPEG-2 video. For example:

 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -t "Usual Suspects" -o m2v ~/Videos/The_Usual_Suspects.mpg

You can also change the resolution of the MPEG video independantly of the video 
format. For example:

 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -t "Usual Suspects" -r 640x480 ~/Videos/The_Usual_Suspects.mpg
 ./IMDB-to-MPEG.php -t "Usual Suspects" -r 720x576 -o m2v ~/Videos/The_Usual_Suspects.mpg

Directories for each matching genre are created, one for the IMDB rating
(rounded down) and one for the film certification providing you used the -c 
argument tp specify a country. The MPEG is stored in the 'All' folder and then 
sym-linked to the Genre, Rating and Certificate directories for that film. If 
you used the -f argument then the film you supplied as input should be copied 
into the appropriate directory in 'All'. You will end up with something like 

|-- All
|   `-- The_Usual_Suspects
|       `-- About_The_Usual_Suspects.mp4
|       `-- The_Usual_Suspects.mpg
|       `__ .imdbid_0114814
|-- Certificate
|   `-- 18
|       `-- The_Usual_Suspects -> ../../All/The_Usual_Suspects
|-- Genre
|   |-- Crime
|   |   `-- The_Usual_Suspects -> ../../All/The_Usual_Suspects
|   |-- Mystery
|   |   `-- The_Usual_Suspects -> ../../All/The_Usual_Suspects
|   `-- Thriller
|       `-- The_Usual_Suspects -> ../../All/The_Usual_Suspects
`-- Rating
    `-- 8
        `-- The_Usual_Suspects -> ../../All/The_Usual_Suspects

You'll noticed the hidden '.imdbid_#######' file in the movie directory as well. 
This so you can go through and re-encode the summary video and be sure that you 
get the right movie. See the '' in the 'contrib' directory for
an example of how to use them.


 - ffmpeg, php5-cli, php5-gd
 - An OS such as Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X is required for categorisation 
   to work

Known Limitations

 - Categorisation doen't work on Windows as it doesn't have sym-link capability.
 - Categorisation doen't work on FAT32 file systems.
 - Some 'ffmpeg' builds may be missing x264 support or x264 support is borked. 
   If you encounter this, use MPEG-2 video.

Source Code

You can grab the source from Launchpad. Contributions are welcome :-)




v2.0 2009, 19th September.
 - Merged yet more contributions from Eric, Thanks Eric!
 - Added usage instructions.
 - Added categorisation by Certificate.
 - Added dynamic computation of video bitrate.
 - Added silent audio generation.
 - Added a shell script to reprocess an entire film store.
 - Re-added MPEG-2 video encoding. 
 - Improved video encoding speed by removing pre-processing with 'jpeg2yuv'.
 - Fixed spiffy animations when cover art is not available.
 - Fixed spiffy animations on platforms that may have incomplete GD.
 - Modified filename input so that an input filename is optional rather than 

v1.2 2009, 17th July.
 - Merged extensive contributions from Eric, Thanks Eric!
 - Updated the README to reflect Eric's changes.
 - MPEG-4 video encoding replaced MPEG-2 video encoding.
 - Never released to the public.

v1.1 2009, 23rd April.
 - Fixed a bug where the film name has a forward slash (/) in it the files and
   directories failed to get created.
 - Documentation improvements   
v1.0 2009, 22nd April.
 - Initial release


Create a MPEG video summarising a movie using data from IMDB (obsolete)







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