├── /dist/ # 项目输出目录 ├── /mocks/ # 模拟数据 ├── /static/ # 静态文件 ├── /src/ # 项目源码目录 │ ├── /components/ # 组件 │ ├── /help/ # 其他相关配置 │ ├── /pages/ # 页面 │ │ ├── home # 主页
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# mock serve with hot reload at localhost:8089
npm run mock
开发框架 MPVUE
页面引入方式: 分别在src/main.js、src/pages.js中引入页面。
src/pages.js 普通页面引入方式eg:
path: 'pages/home/index',
config: {
enablePullDownRefresh: true,
navigationBarTitleText: '首页'
path: 'pages/activity/index',
subPackage: true,
root: 'pages/activity',
config: {
navigationBarTitleText: '活动页面'