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No due date 0% complete

These are issues that are not targeted for an upcoming minor or major release. After a release, we will re-examine these issues and pull any in that we think are good targets; that is retarget them to the next minor (or major) release.

If you can provide a fix for an issue in this milestone, we'll generally accept it for the next release even if the issue…

These are issues that are not targeted for an upcoming minor or major release. After a release, we will re-examine these issues and pull any in that we think are good targets; that is retarget them to the next minor (or major) release.

If you can provide a fix for an issue in this milestone, we'll generally accept it for the next release even if the issue is not targeted for the release.

There are no closed issues in this milestone.

Issues will automatically be moved here when they are closed.