SumArit is a small game of aritmetic sums and subtractions that have to be solved before the timer ends.
- A list of scores to check your answers.
- The option to delete and reset the scores.
- A selection of themes to choose you preferred one.
This project is made with Next.js v14 with a resposive design.
To give it a consistent look, It uses DaisyUI, as well as a selection of their theme schemes, where the selected theme is saved against page reloads.
The data can use a json-server backend via an api.ts
file or just local storage with a fake_api.ts
file, this api module will be loaded dynamically in a react context, if the json-server is not available in the port 3030
it will use local storage.
To build this project you just need to clone it, change directory to it's project folder and run:
npm install
Then you have some scripts available to run:
To run the development server:
npm run dev
It will be available at the http://localhost:3000 address.
To run the json-server for the backend:
npm run backend
This json server will be started at port
and be available at http://localhost:3030/scoresThe data will be managed in a json file: