Bittorrent Client implemented in Go Work in Progress. I have a blog post outlining the protocol in dialog format here.
$ ./beetee -file=linux.torrent
beetee, commandline torrent application. Usage:
-file string
path to torrent file
-peers int
max peer connections (default 30)
keep running after download completes
Thanks @kracekumar, @alex-segura, and @nschuc, fellow Recursers, for all your help :)
- allow multiple file-torrents
- allow multiple dir-torrents
- parse pieces
- put into pieces struct
- barse Have and BitField
- begin Unit and Integration Tests
- implement UDP and HTTP tracker
- control peer flow/ask for more peers
- ask peer for index
- only ask peer if they have it
- write test for last piece download
- ask for rarest blocks first
- put that block into piece by index
- concat blocks into data field
- manage blocks
- write to disk
- write to disk gradually
- read when incomplete and put into pieces
- run server
- allow handshake
- parse request
- send blocks
- construct bitfield from pieces
Package Organisation:
Torrent/meta/info structs and parse method. The torrent file provides the list of pieces.
Tracker struct and Response method. The tracker provides a list of peers.
Handshake, individual message decoder and message constructor.
Peer struct, connect and Listen method. Also, the message decode switch for payloads is here. This file is mostly IO for the peer sockets.
Server struct and Listen method.
Piece/Block struct and piece parser from torrent info. Also piece validator and helper functions for parsing the last piece/blocks in a download.
Writing and reading to disk.
For testing, here are the checksums for the torrent files provided in torrents/
Note: this Torrent file is for an older version of Arch; go to their website and get the newer torrent file/md5sum if you plan to use for installing onto your computer.:
17643c29e3c4609818f26becf76d29a3 > Ubuntu
47672450bcda8acf0c8512bd5b543cc0 > Arch
- UDP tracker