Easy-to-use, class-balanced, cross-entropy and focal loss implementation for Pytorch.
When training dataset labels are imbalanced, one thing to do is to balance the loss across sample classes.
- First, the effective number of samples are calculated for all classes as:
- Then the class balanced loss function is defined as:
pip install balanced-loss
- Standard losses:
import torch
from balanced_loss import Loss
# outputs and labels
logits = torch.tensor([[0.78, 0.1, 0.05]]) # 1 batch, 3 class
labels = torch.tensor([0]) # 1 batch
# focal loss
focal_loss = Loss(loss_type="focal_loss")
loss = focal_loss(logits, labels)
# cross-entropy loss
ce_loss = Loss(loss_type="cross_entropy")
loss = ce_loss(logits, labels)
# binary cross-entropy loss
bce_loss = Loss(loss_type="binary_cross_entropy")
loss = bce_loss(logits, labels)
- Class-balanced losses:
import torch
from balanced_loss import Loss
# outputs and labels
logits = torch.tensor([[0.78, 0.1, 0.05]]) # 1 batch, 3 class
labels = torch.tensor([0]) # 1 batch
# number of samples per class in the training dataset
samples_per_class = [30, 100, 25] # 30, 100, 25 samples for labels 0, 1 and 2, respectively
# class-balanced focal loss
focal_loss = Loss(
loss = focal_loss(logits, labels)
# class-balanced cross-entropy loss
ce_loss = Loss(
loss = ce_loss(logits, labels)
# class-balanced binary cross-entropy loss
bce_loss = Loss(
loss = bce_loss(logits, labels)
- Customize parameters:
import torch
from balanced_loss import Loss
# outputs and labels
logits = torch.tensor([[0.78, 0.1, 0.05]]) # 1 batch, 3 class
labels = torch.tensor([0])
# number of samples per class in the training dataset
samples_per_class = [30, 100, 25] # 30, 100, 25 samples for labels 0, 1 and 2, respectively
# class-balanced focal loss
focal_loss = Loss(
beta=0.999, # class-balanced loss beta
fl_gamma=2, # focal loss gamma
loss = focal_loss(logits, labels)
What is the difference between this repo and vandit15's?
- This repo is a pypi installable package
- This repo implements loss functions as
- In addition to class balanced losses, this repo also supports the standard versions of the cross entropy/focal loss etc. over the same API
- All typos and errors in vandit15's source are fixed