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Instrs: Arrays and RevArrays only
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Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D8187368

fbshipit-source-id: 5f069a7
  • Loading branch information
mbouaziz authored and facebook-github-bot committed Jun 4, 2018
1 parent bfdc4b1 commit 69ead91
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139 changes: 117 additions & 22 deletions infer/src/IR/
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open! IStd
module F = Format

type t = Sil.instr list
module RevArray : sig
type 'a t

let empty = []
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

let singleton instr = [instr]
val length : 'a t -> int

let append_list = List.append
val of_rev_array : 'a Array.t -> 'a t

let prepend_one instr instrs = instr :: instrs
val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a

let reverse_order = List.rev
val last_opt : 'a t -> 'a option

let is_empty = List.is_empty
val fold : ('a t, 'a, 'accum) Container.fold
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a Array.t

let exists = List.exists
let is_empty = Array.is_empty

let for_all = List.for_all
let length = Array.length

let count = List.length
let of_rev_array a = a

let nth_exists instrs index = IList.drop instrs index |> List.is_empty |> not
let get a index = a.(Array.length a - 1 - index)

let nth_exn = List.nth_exn
let last_opt a = if is_empty a then None else Some (Array.unsafe_get a 0)

let last = List.last
let fold a ~init ~f =
let f = Fn.flip f in
Array.fold_right a ~init ~f

let find_map = List.find_map
type reversed

let pp pe fmt instrs =
List.iter instrs ~f:(fun instr -> F.fprintf fmt "%a;@\n" (Sil.pp_instr pe) instr)
type not_reversed

type 'rev t =
| NotReversed: Sil.instr Array.t -> not_reversed t
| Reversed: Sil.instr RevArray.t -> reversed t

let filter_map = List.filter_map
type not_reversed_t = not_reversed t

let fold = List.fold
(* Some functions are only used on non-reversed arrays, let's specialize them.
The argument of the type helps us make sure they can't be used otherwise. *)
(* Functions on non-reversed arrays *)

let iter = List.iter
let of_array instrs = NotReversed instrs

let map_changed ~equal instrs ~f = IList.map_changed ~equal instrs ~f
let empty = of_array [||]

let of_list instrs = instrs
let singleton instr = of_array [|instr|]

let of_rev_list instrs = List.rev instrs
let append_list (NotReversed instrs) list = NotReversed (Array.append instrs (Array.of_list list))

let prepend_one instr (NotReversed instrs) = NotReversed (Array.append [|instr|] instrs)

let of_list l = NotReversed (Array.of_list l)

let of_rev_list l = NotReversed (Array.of_list_rev l)

let filter_map (NotReversed instrs) ~f = NotReversed (Array.filter_map instrs ~f)

let map_changed =
let aux_changed arr ~f i =
for i = i to Array.length arr - 1 do Array.unsafe_get arr i |> f |> Array.unsafe_set arr i done ;
let rec aux_unchanged ~equal arr ~f i =
if i >= Array.length arr then arr
let e = Array.unsafe_get arr i in
let e' = f e in
if equal e e' then aux_unchanged ~equal arr ~f (i + 1)
let arr = Array.copy arr in
Array.unsafe_set arr i e' ;
aux_changed arr ~f (i + 1)
fun ~equal (NotReversed instrs as t) ~f ->
let instrs' = aux_unchanged ~equal instrs ~f 0 in
if phys_equal instrs instrs' then t else NotReversed instrs'

let reverse_order (NotReversed instrs) = Reversed (RevArray.of_rev_array instrs)

(* Functions on both reversed and non-reversed arrays *)

let is_empty (type r) (t: r t) =
match t with
| NotReversed instrs ->
Array.is_empty instrs
| Reversed rev_instrs ->
RevArray.is_empty rev_instrs

let fold (type r) (t: r t) ~init ~f =
match t with
| NotReversed instrs ->
Array.fold instrs ~init ~f
| Reversed rev_instrs ->
RevArray.fold rev_instrs ~init ~f

let iter t ~f = Container.iter ~fold t ~f

let exists t ~f = Container.exists ~iter t ~f

let for_all t ~f = Container.for_all ~iter t ~f

let count (type r) (t: r t) =
match t with
| NotReversed instrs ->
Array.length instrs
| Reversed rev_instrs ->
RevArray.length rev_instrs

let nth_exists t index = index < count t

let nth_exn (type r) (t: r t) index =
match t with
| NotReversed instrs ->
| Reversed rev_instrs ->
RevArray.get rev_instrs index

let last (type r) (t: r t) =
match t with
| NotReversed instrs ->
if is_empty t then None else Some (Array.last instrs)
| Reversed rev_instrs ->
RevArray.last_opt rev_instrs

let find_map t ~f = Container.find_map ~iter t ~f

let pp pe fmt t = iter t ~f:(fun instr -> F.fprintf fmt "%a;@\n" (Sil.pp_instr pe) instr)
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open! IStd

type t
type reversed

val empty : t
type not_reversed

val singleton : Sil.instr -> t
type 'r t

val append_list : t -> Sil.instr list -> t
type not_reversed_t = not_reversed t

val prepend_one : Sil.instr -> t -> t
val empty : not_reversed_t

val reverse_order : t -> t
val singleton : Sil.instr -> not_reversed_t

val is_empty : t -> bool
val append_list : not_reversed_t -> Sil.instr list -> not_reversed_t

val count : t -> int
val prepend_one : Sil.instr -> not_reversed_t -> not_reversed_t

val exists : t -> f:(Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool
val of_list : Sil.instr list -> not_reversed_t

val for_all : t -> f:(Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool
val of_rev_list : Sil.instr list -> not_reversed_t

val nth_exists : t -> int -> bool
val filter_map : not_reversed_t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr option) -> not_reversed_t

val nth_exn : t -> int -> Sil.instr
val map_changed :
equal:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr -> bool) -> not_reversed_t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr)
-> not_reversed_t

val last : t -> Sil.instr option
val reverse_order : not_reversed_t -> reversed t

val find_map : t -> f:(Sil.instr -> 'a option) -> 'a option
val is_empty : _ t -> bool

val pp : Pp.env -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val count : _ t -> int

val filter_map : t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr option) -> t
val exists : _ t -> f:(Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool

val map_changed : equal:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr -> bool) -> t -> f:(Sil.instr -> Sil.instr) -> t
val for_all : _ t -> f:(Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool

val fold : (t, Sil.instr, 'a) Container.fold
val nth_exists : _ t -> int -> bool

val iter : (t, Sil.instr) Container.iter
val nth_exn : _ t -> int -> Sil.instr

val of_list : Sil.instr list -> t
val last : _ t -> Sil.instr option

val of_rev_list : Sil.instr list -> t
val find_map : _ t -> f:(Sil.instr -> 'a option) -> 'a option

val pp : Pp.env -> Format.formatter -> _ t -> unit

val fold : (_ t, Sil.instr, 'a) Container.fold

val iter : (_ t, Sil.instr) Container.iter
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion infer/src/IR/
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Node = struct
{ id: id (** unique id of the node *)
; mutable dist_exit: int option (** distance to the exit node *)
; mutable exn: t list (** exception nodes in the cfg *)
; mutable instrs: Instrs.t (** instructions for symbolic execution *)
; mutable instrs: Instrs.not_reversed_t (** instructions for symbolic execution *)
; kind: nodekind (** kind of node *)
; loc: Location.t (** location in the source code *)
; mutable preds: t list (** predecessor nodes in the cfg *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion infer/src/IR/Procdesc.mli
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module Node : sig
val get_id : t -> id
(** Get the unique id of the node *)

val get_instrs : t -> Instrs.t
val get_instrs : t -> Instrs.not_reversed_t
(** Get the instructions to be executed *)

val get_kind : t -> nodekind
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let exec_node node astate_pre work_queue inv_map ({ProcData.pdesc} as proc_data) ~debug =
let node_id = node in
let update_inv_map pre ~visit_count =
let compute_post pre instr = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre proc_data node instr in
(* hack to ensure that we call `exec_instr` on a node even if it has no instructions *)
let instrs =
let instrs = CFG.instrs node in
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then Instrs.singleton Sil.skip_instr else instrs
let exec_instrs instrs =
if debug then
~pp_name:(TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node)
(Node.underlying_node node) ;
let astate_post =
let compute_post pre instr = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre proc_data node instr in
Instrs.fold ~f:compute_post ~init:pre instrs
if debug then (
(Format.asprintf "PRE: %[email protected]: %aPOST: %a@." Domain.pp pre
(Instrs.pp Pp.(html Green))
instrs Domain.pp astate_post) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ) ;
let inv_map' = InvariantMap.add node_id {pre; post= astate_post; visit_count} inv_map in
(inv_map', Scheduler.schedule_succs work_queue node)
if debug then
~pp_name:(TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node)
(Node.underlying_node node) ;
let astate_post = Instrs.fold ~f:compute_post ~init:pre instrs in
if debug then (
(Format.asprintf "PRE: %[email protected]: %aPOST: %a@." Domain.pp pre
(Instrs.pp Pp.(html Green))
instrs Domain.pp astate_post) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session (Node.underlying_node node) ) ;
let inv_map' = InvariantMap.add node_id {pre; post= astate_post; visit_count} inv_map in
(inv_map', Scheduler.schedule_succs work_queue node)
(* hack to ensure that we call `exec_instr` on a node even if it has no instructions *)
let instrs = CFG.instrs node in
if Instrs.is_empty instrs then exec_instrs (Instrs.singleton Sil.skip_instr)
else exec_instrs instrs
if InvariantMap.mem node_id inv_map then (
let old_state = InvariantMap.find node_id inv_map in
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module type S = sig
type t

type instrs_dir

module Node : Node

val instrs : Node.t -> Instrs.t
val instrs : Node.t -> instrs_dir Instrs.t
(** get the instructions from a node *)

val fold_succs : t -> (Node.t, Node.t, 'accum) Container.fold
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,6 +154,8 @@ end
module Normal = struct
type t = Procdesc.t

type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed

module Node = DefaultNode

let instrs = Procdesc.Node.get_instrs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +190,8 @@ end
module Exceptional = struct
module Node = DefaultNode

type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed

type id_node_map = Node.t list Procdesc.IdMap.t

type t = Procdesc.t * id_node_map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,8 +270,12 @@ module Exceptional = struct

(** Wrapper that reverses the direction of the CFG *)
module Backward (Base : S) = struct
include Base
module Backward (Base : S with type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed) = struct
include (
Base :
S with type t = Base.t and type instrs_dir := Base.instrs_dir and module Node = Base.Node )

type instrs_dir = Instrs.reversed

let instrs n = Instrs.reverse_order (Base.instrs n)

Expand All @@ -287,12 +297,17 @@ module Backward (Base : S) = struct

module OneInstrPerNode (Base : S with module Node = DefaultNode) : sig
include S with type t = Base.t and module Node = InstrNode
include S
with type t = Base.t
and module Node = InstrNode
and type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed

val last_of_underlying_node : Procdesc.Node.t -> Node.t
end = struct
type t = Base.t

type instrs_dir = Instrs.not_reversed

module Node = InstrNode

let instrs (node, index) =
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