This is a web application to handle a FabLab machines access by Fab-O-Matic boards connected to the machines (see ESP32 project : Fab-O-Matic )
Homescreen example, with real-time machine status:
This Python 3.10 application runs a MQTT client and a Flask HTTPS application.
Articles describing the project are available on FabLab Bergamo website : https://www.fablabbergamo.it/2024/07/14/fabomatic7/
Web admin portal with user authentication over https
Holds the member cards RFID database with their status (active, inactive). Easy registration of new members (swipe card on existing Fab-O-Matic and convert to new user).
Machine maintenance plans based on actual hours with display on Fab-O-Matic LCD
Permissions by user and machine (can be disabled)
Machine history (usage and maintenance)
Real-time dashboard of machines status
An external MQTT Broker. Mosquitto has been used for testing.
SQLAlchemy supports several database engines, but this has been tested with SQLite only.
- Install prerequisites (python 3.10+, rustc for cryptography, mosquitto, pip). It takes 3-4 hours on Raspberry Pi Zero to complete installation.
wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tvdsluijs/sh-python-installer/main/python.sh | sudo bash -s 3.10.9
sudo apt remove python3-apt
sudo apt install python3-apt
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
sudo apt install mosquitto
- On other Linux systems, the following requisites shall be enough:
sudo apt install python3-apt
sudo apt install rustc
sudo apt install mosquitto
sudo apt install dbus-user-session
- Espressif's ESPOTA tool is used to apply Over-the-air firmware updates to Fab-O-Matic boards.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/master/tools/espota.py
- Install from test pypi repository
pip install FabOMatic
In the package installation directory, copy src/FabOMatic/conf/settings.example.toml into settings.toml and edit settings. On first run, if the settings.toml file is missing, the settings.example.toml file will be copied and used instead.
Test it with
python -m FabOMatic 5
- After installation login with default admin email in settings file and "admin" password.
Default URL is https://HOSTNAME:23336/
Setup backup strategy for database (database.sqldb), which is automatically created on first run.
Setup systemd to automatically launch Python module on boot with user profile:
See sample configuration example in doc/systemd
- Use pip --upgrade :
pip install FabOMatic --upgrade
Review settings.toml file after installation.
Database upgrades are applied by Alembic at start of the backend and shall not need user interaction.
- For configuration, the file src/FabOMatic/conf/settings.toml in package installation directory is used.
- It contains configuration info for MQTT server (mandatory), database connection string (mandatory), SMTP for "forgot password" email (not mandatory)
- Example below
url = "sqlite:///machines.sqldb"
name = "fablab"
broker = ""
port = 1883
client_id = "backend"
topic = "machine/" # root topic. Subtopics will be /machine/<ID> will be subscribed
reply_subtopic = "/reply" # appended to the machine topics for replies by backend. E.g. machine/1/reply
stats_topic = "stats/"
secret_key = "some_long_hex_string_1234gs" # Used for encryption
default_admin_email = "[email protected]" # Used for initial login
server = "smtp.google.com"
port = 587
use_tls = true
username = ""
password = ""
Developped with VSCode, extensions: Python, SQLTools, SQLTools SQLite, Black formatter
Create a python venv with Python >=3.10 and make sure your terminal has activated the venv
Test settings are into tests\test_settings.toml file, to run tests from root folder (or Terminal)
pytest -v
- How to run the server from Terminal (from root folder)
pip install -e .
python ./run.py
- Package requirements / How to package (see [Python docs(https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/)])
pip install --upgrade build
pip install --upgrade twine
To update distribution
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*
- To handle schema changes with existing installations, changes the database/models.py, check that the changes are properly captured by alembic, then generate a migration script, and apply it. Then commit all files and publish a new revision.
alembic check
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Description of change"
alembic upgrade head
To handle data migration you have to manually edit the generated migration file in alembic folder.
After testing the new database schema, archive a copy of simple-db.sqldb (generated by pytest) into tests/databases folder with the revision name. This will ensure migrations will be tested on this new release in the future.
Translations with Babel
Initial extract (run from src/FabOMatic folder)
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot ./
Update merging the changes the translations files
pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations
Adding a new locale
pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l <locale>
Compile the changes
pybabel compile -d translations
Members' RFID card will be tied to a physical person and therefore, you must collect written consent of this person as part of membership agreement.
- The reason for data collection is to control FabLab equipment usage for better maintenance of equipment and physical safety of the FabLab users.
- The data conservation period for RFID master data is for the duration of the membership to the FabLab with a minimum of one year.
- The data conservation period of historical records, including user name, time of use, machine used, maintenance operation performed is one year.
- After 1 year, the historical nominative data is automatically replaced with an anonymous user data.
- The system may collect RFID tags ID from nearby cards, not tied to the FabLab RFID master data. Such information will be deleted after one month.
- The responsible persons for data treatment are the Fab-O-Matic administrative users.
- The collected information is not shared outside Fab-O-Matic system or disclosed outside Fab-O-Matic admins.
- You need to secure access to the Fab-O-Matic backend webserver and physical hosts (use a proper password policy).
- You need to schedule a daily cron job in order to ensure data is deleted from database and logfiles
python -m FabOMatic --purge
journalctl --vacuum-time=1y
- To garantee data access requests, you can use the Excel export feature filtering data by the user.
- To garantee right to deletion, you can use the Delete buttons on Use, Interventions and User pages.
Version | When | Release notes |
0.0.18 | January 2024 | first revision with Alembic for database version tracking to handle graceful updates |
0.1.15 | February 2024 | improved UI on mobile, fixed duplicated uses, added grace period definition on machine types, added system page |
0.2.0 | February 2024 | UI translations with flask-babel (IT, EN), added boards details in system page |
0.3.0 | May 2024 | User authorizations can be disabled by Machine type, Maintenance URL field added, System page improvements (DB reload, log files) |
0.4.0 | June 2024 | Buffered messages sent by Fab-O-Matic boards are flagged with a clock icon. |
0.5.0 | June 2024 | First release on PyPi. Renamed to FabOMatic. Added GDPR compliance (purge function) |
0.6.0 | August 2024 | Added remote commands from backend for cloud-enabled printers like BambuLab |
0.7.0 | December 2024 | Bugfix release, no new features |