A simple archiving Qt application based on the Huffman algorithm
- Simple Qt interface
- Maximum length of file name - 256 symbols (with extension)
- Russian letters are not supported in the file name
- Maximum size of file - 1 GByte
- Archived file has
- 1 Byte - Length of file name (in Bytes) - N
- N Bytes - File name
- 2 Bytes - Number of different Bytes (symbols) in the file (0-256) - K
- K blocks (Huffman tree):
- 1 Byte - Byte (symbol)
- 1 Byte - Encoding length of this Byte (symbol) (in Bits) - S
- ⌈S/8⌉ Bytes - Encoding of this Byte (symbol)
- 8 Bytes - Length of encoded data (in Bits) - P
- ⌈P/8⌉ Bytes - Encoded data