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Exoplanet Photometric Analysis for Time Series Observations


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Wanderer for Exoplanet Time Series Observation Photometry

Planetai (πλανῆται) is Greek for "Wanderers". Moreover, Spitzer wobble makes the PSF "wandere" across the detector, which we have to tack precisely here.

from wanderer import wanderer

import numpy as np

In our example, Spitzer data is expected to be store in the directory structure:



  1. On a Linux machine
  2. With user tempuser,
  3. And all Spitzer data is store in Research/Planets
  4. The planet named Happy-5b
  5. Observed during AOR r11235813
  6. In CH2 (4.5 microns)

For fun, we will call our planet HAPPY5: HApp Planet Population Yield 5
The loadfitsdir should read as: /home/tempuser/Research/Planets/HAPPY5/data/raw/r11235813/ch2/bcd/

from os import environ

planetName      = 'HAPPY5' # name of planet AND the directory where all planet files (fits, py, ipynb, joblib, etc) are stored
planetDirectory = '/Research/Planets/' # location of the `HAPPY5` directory

channel = 'ch2' # channel to use for "this" AOR -- must match subdirectory inside `HAPPY5` data/raw/$AOR/ directory

dataSub = 'bcd/' # filetype -- must match subdirectory inside `HAPPY5` data/raw/$AOR/channel/ directory

dataDir     = environ['HOME'] + planetDirectory + planetName + '/data/raw/' + channel + '/' # trailing forward slash may not be necessary

AORs = []
for dirNow in glob(dataDir + '/*'):

fileExt = '*bcd.fits'
uncsExt = '*bunc.fits'

print(dataDir) # just to check that this is where you think it is
iAOR        = 0 # Change this to 0,1,2,3,...,N to "cycle" over the N AORs in the base directory /home/tempuser/Research/Planets/HAPPY5/data/raw/
AORNow      = AORs[iAOR] # This will flag an error if no AORs were found in the directory `dataDir`
loadfitsdir = dataDir + AORNow + '/' + channel + '/' + dataSub
print(loadfitsdir) # just to make sure this [directory] means what you think it means

Set to max for multiprocessing: use cpu_count() - 1 if you want to use your computer at the same time.

nCores = cpu_count()

Check that the files exist in the directory by printing out the number of each file (unc = uncertainty)

fitsFilenames = glob(loadfitsdir + fileExt);print(len(fitsFilenames))
uncsFilenames = glob(loadfitsdir + uncsExt);print(len(uncsFilenames))

Check the first header in the list of files to make sure it's the data you were expecting

header_test = fits.getheader(fitsFilenames[0])
print('AORLABEL:\t{}\nNum Fits Files:\t{}\nNum Unc Files:\t{}'.format\
          (header_test['AORLABEL'], len(fitsFilenames), len(uncsFilenames)))

Load Wanderer Class

Necessary Constants Spitzer (subarray with 32x32 pixels; center = 15,15)

ppm             = 1e6
y,x             = 0,1

yguess, xguess  = 15., 15.   # Specific to Spitzer circa 2010 and beyond
filetype        = 'bcd.fits' # Specific to Spitzer Basic Calibrated Data

Start a New Instance with Median for the Metric

method = 'median'

print('Initialize an instance of `wanderer` as `example_wanderer_median`\n')
example_wanderer_median = wanderer(fitsFileDir=loadfitsdir, filetype=filetype, telescope='Spitzer',
                                            yguess=yguess, xguess=xguess, method=method, nCores=nCores)

example_wanderer_median.AOR        = AORNow
example_wanderer_median.planetName = planetName    = channel
print('Load Data From Fits Files in ' + loadfitsdir + '\n')

Double check for NaNs

example_wanderer_median.imageCube[np.where(isnan(example_wanderer_median.imageCube))] = \

Identifier Strong Outliers

print('Find, flag, and NaN the "Bad Pixels" Outliers' + '\n')

Flux Weighted Centroiding -- some people like this one

print('Fit for All Centers: Flux Weighted, Gaussian Fitting, Gaussian Moments, Least Asymmetry' + '\n')

Gaussian centroid fitting -- this is the most widely used centroiding method

start = time()
example_wanderer_median.mp_lmfit_gaussian_centering(subArraySize=6, recheckMethod=None, median_crop=False)
print('Operation took {} seconds with {} cores'.format(time()-start, example_wanderer_median.nCores))

Compute the sigma-clipping outliers for plotting purpose

nSig       = 10.1
medY       = median(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y])
medX       = median(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[x])
stdY       = std(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y])
stdX       = std(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[x])

ySig = 4
xSig = 4
outliers   = (((example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y] - medY)/(ySig*stdY))**2 + \
              ((example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[x] - medX)/(xSig*stdX))**2) > 1

Plot the inliers (blue) vs outliers (not blue)

ax = figure().add_subplot(111)
cx, cy = example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[x],example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y]
# ax.plot(median(cx), median(cy),'ro',ms=1)

Use advanced clustering algorithms (DBSCAN) to determine the inliers vs outliers

dbs     = DBSCAN(n_jobs=-1, eps=0.2, leaf_size=10)
dbsPred = dbs.fit_predict(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit)

Check over the clusteres to see the population of each

dbs_options = [k for k in range(-1,100) if (dbsPred==k).sum()]

Plot the full extent of the data to show that DBSCAN was able to identify the inliers correctly

fig = figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)

medGaussCenters   = median(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit,axis=0)
sclGaussCenters   = scale.mad(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit)
sclGaussCenterAvg = np.sqrt(((sclGaussCenters**2.).sum()))

yctrs = example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y]
xctrs = example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[x]

nSigmas         = 5
for nSig in linspace(1,10,10):

for dbsOpt in dbs_options:
    ax.plot(xctrs[dbsPred==dbsOpt], yctrs[dbsPred==dbsOpt],'.',zorder=0, ms=1)

Make sure that there are only a handful (<< 1%) of outliers

npix = 3

stillOutliers = np.where(abs(example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit - medGaussCenters) > 4*sclGaussCenterAvg)[0]

Select the "class" dbsClean == 0 for the inliers

dbsClean  = 0
dbsKeep   = (dbsPred == dbsClean)
nCores = example_wanderer_median.nCores
start = time()
print('AnnularBG took {} seconds with {} cores'.format(time() - start, nCores))

Plot the background to make sure that the (to be subtracted) flux is stable overtime

fig = figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(example_wanderer_median.timeCube, example_wanderer_median.background_CircleMask,'.',alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(example_wanderer_median.timeCube, example_wanderer_median.background_Annulus,'.',alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(example_wanderer_median.timeCube, example_wanderer_median.background_MedianMask,'.',alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(example_wanderer_median.timeCube, example_wanderer_median.background_KDEUniv,'.',alpha=0.2)

Compute the effective widths of each image to use later as the "beta pixels" and "optimal apertures"

print(example_wanderer_median.effective_widths.mean(), sqrt(example_wanderer_median.effective_widths).mean())
print('Pipeline took {} seconds thus far'.format(time() - startFull))

Compute the time series with static aperture radii only

print('Iterating over Background Techniques, Centering Techniques, Aperture Radii' + '\n')
centering_choices  = ['Gaussian_Fit']#, 'Gaussian_Mom', 'FluxWeighted']#, 'LeastAsymmetry']
background_choices = ['AnnularMask']#example_wanderer_median.background_df.columns
staticRads         = np.arange(1, 6,0.5)#[1.0 ]# aperRads = np.arange(1, 6,0.5)

for staticRad in tqdm_notebook(staticRads, total=len(staticRads), desc='Static'):
    example_wanderer_median.mp_compute_flux_over_time_varRad(staticRad, varRad=None, centering_choices[0], background_choices[0], useTheForce=True)

Create Beta Variable Radius

print('Entire Pipeline took {} seconds'.format(time() - startFull))

Use Advanced clustering algorithms DBSCAN to compute the outliers of the flux distribution. This is sensitive the structure in the data (i.e. transit vs outlier), which is not always true with sigma-clipping.


Check that the majority of data is an inlier

inlier_master = array(list(example_wanderer_median.inliers_Phots.values())).mean(axis=0) == 1.0
((~inlier_master).sum() / inlier_master.size)*100

Compute the PLD components -- normalized and store the PLD vectors


Use Advanced clustering algorithms DBSCAN to compute the outliers of the PLD distributions.


Save all of your progress per AOR

print('Saving `example_wanderer_median` to a set of pickles for various Image Cubes and the Storage Dictionary')

savefiledir         = environ['HOME']+'/Research/Planets/'+planetName+'/ExtractedData/' + channel
saveFileNameHeader  = planetName+'_'+ AORNow +'_Median'
saveFileType        = ''

if not path.exists(environ['HOME']+'/Research/Planets/'+planetName+'/ExtractedData/'):

if not path.exists(savefiledir):
    print('Creating ' + savefiledir)

print('Saving to ' + savefiledir + saveFileNameHeader + saveFileType)

example_wanderer_median.save_data_to_save_files(savefiledir=savefiledir, \
                                                saveFileNameHeader=saveFileNameHeader, \

Compute the RMS in the raw data as a function of the apeture radius

color_cycle = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']

ax = figure().add_subplot(111)
for key in example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df.keys():
    aperRad = float(key.split('_')[-2])
    ax.scatter(aperRad, scale.mad(np.diff(example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df[key])), color=color_cycle[0])

ax.set_xlabel('Aperture Radius')
ax.set_ylabel('MAD( Diff ( Flux ) )')
print('Entire Pipeline took {} seconds'.format(time() - startFull))

Convert Wanderer output to Skywalker input

I made up this loop and did not test it

Keys for skywalker input

flux_key = 'phots'
time_key = 'times'
flux_err_key = 'noise'
eff_width_key = 'npix'
pld_coeff_key = 'pld'
ycenter_key = 'ycenters'
xcenter_key = 'xcenters'
ywidth_key = 'ywidths'
xwidth_key = 'xwidths'

Things that DON'T change with respect to aperture radii

timeCube = example_wanderer_median.timeCube
phots_array = example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df.values
PLDFeatures = example_wanderer_median.PLD_components.T

    inliers_Phots = example_wanderer_median.inliers_Phots.values()
    inliers_Phots = np.ones(photsLocal.shape)

    inliers_PLD = example_wanderer_median.inliers_PLD.values()
    inliers_PLD = np.ones(PLDFeatureLocal.shape)

inliersMaster = array(list(inliers_Phots)).all(axis=0) # Need to Switch `axis=0` for Qatar-2
inliersMaster = inliersMaster * inliers_PLD.all(axis=1)

nSig = 6 # vary this as desired for 3D sigma clipping double check

ypos, xpos = clipOutlier2D(transpose([example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y][inliersMaster], \

npix = sqrt(example_wanderer_median.effective_widths[inliersMaster])
time_c = timeCube[inliersMaster]
ywidths_c, xwidths_c = example_wanderer_median.widths_GaussianFit[inliersMaster].T
pld_comp_c = example_wanderer_median.PLD_components.T # this is new to Carlos's notebook instance
pld_output_c = np.array(list([time_c]) + list(pld_comp_c))

Things that DO change with respect to aperture radii

for phot_select, key_flux_now in tqdm(enumerate(example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df.keys())):
    if key_flux_now[-3:] == 0.0: # only do static radii
        flux_c = example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df[key_flux_now].values[inliersMaster]
        noise_c = example_wanderer_median.noise_TSO_df[key_flux_now].values[inliersMaster]

        output_dict = {time_key: time_c,
                       flux_key: flux_c,
                       flux_err_key: noise_c,
                       eff_width_key: npix_c,
                       xcenter_key: xpos_c,
                       ycenter_key: ypos_c,
                       xwidth_key: xwidth_c,
                       ywidth_key: ywidth_c,
                       pld_coeff_key: pld_comp_c}

        # This creates 1 joblib output file for one static aperture radius -- need to be cycled from above: change `staticRad = '2.5'` to new radius
        joblib.dump(output_dict, '{}_full_output_for_skywalker_pipeline_{}_{}_{}'.format(planet_dir_name, channel, staticRad, varRad))

The following code is a copy/paste from a different notebook of mine.

This is the code I used to make the for loop above
If the for loop does not work, try / check this

timeCube = example_wanderer_median.timeCube
phots_array = example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df.values
PLDFeatures = example_wanderer_median.PLD_components.T

    inliers_Phots = example_wanderer_median.inliers_Phots.values()
    inliers_Phots = np.ones(photsLocal.shape)

    inliers_PLD = example_wanderer_median.inliers_PLD.values()
    inliers_PLD = np.ones(PLDFeatureLocal.shape)
# Gaussian_Fit_AnnularMask_rad_2.5_0.0

staticRad = '2.5' # Need to cycle over all possible values here: [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, ..., 5.5]
varRad = '0.0'
key_flux_now = 'Gaussian_Fit_AnnularMask_rad_'+staticRad+'_'+varRad
phot_select = np.where(example_wanderer_median.flux_TSO_df.keys() == key_flux_now)[0][0]
inliersMaster = array(list(inliers_Phots)).all(axis=0) # Need to Switch `axis=0` for Qatar-2
inliersMaster = inliersMaster * inliers_PLD.all(axis=1)
nSig = 6 # vary this as desired

if inliersMaster.all():
    # If inliersMaster keeps ALL values, then double check with 3D inlier flagging
    print('Working on AOR {}'.format(AORNow))
    cy_now, cx_now        = example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T
    phots_now             = phots_array[:,phot_select]

    phots_clipped         = clipOutlier2D(phots_now, nSig=nSig)
    cy_clipped, cx_clipped= clipOutlier2D(transpose([cy_now, cx_now]),nSig=nSig).T
    arr2D_clipped         = transpose([phots_clipped, cy_clipped, cx_clipped])

    # 3D inlier selection
    inliersMaster = (phots_clipped == phots_now)*(cy_clipped==cy_now)*(cx_clipped==cx_now)
    print("this box is just to double check -- keeping all inlier flags from above"
ypos, xpos = clipOutlier2D(transpose([example_wanderer_median.centering_GaussianFit.T[y][inliersMaster], \

npix = sqrt(example_wanderer_median.effective_widths[inliersMaster])
flux_c = phots_array[:, phot_select][inliersMaster]

# noise_c = np.sqrt(flux_c) # Photon limit
noise_c = example_wanderer_median.noise_TSO_df[key_flux_now].values[inliersMaster]

time_c = timeCube[inliersMaster]

ywidths_c, xwidths_c = example_wanderer_median.widths_GaussianFit[inliersMaster].T
# I am guessing that this will work.
# I'm keeping the commented line because that's what I used before
# pld_comp_c = wanderer.extract_PLD_components(example_wanderer_median.imageCube, order=1)

pld_comp_c = example_wanderer_median.PLD_components.T # this is new to Carlos's notebook instance
pld_output_c = np.array(list([time_c]) + list(pld_comp_c))
flux_key = 'phots'
time_key = 'times'
flux_err_key = 'noise'
eff_width_key = 'npix'
pld_coeff_key = 'pld'
ycenter_key = 'ycenters'
xcenter_key = 'xcenters'
ywidth_key = 'ywidths'
xwidth_key = 'xwidths'

output_dict = {time_key: time_c,
               flux_key: flux_c,
               flux_err_key: noise_c,
               eff_width_key: npix_c,
               xcenter_key: xpos_c,
               ycenter_key: ypos_c,
               xwidth_key: xwidth_c,
               ywidth_key: ywidth_c,
               pld_coeff_key: pld_comp_c}

# This creates 1 joblib output file for one static aperture radius -- need to be cycled from above: change `staticRad = '2.5'` to new radius
joblib.dump(output_dict, '{}_full_output_for_skywalker_pipeline_{}_{}_{}'.format(planet_dir_name, channel, staticRad, varRad))


Exoplanet Photometric Analysis for Time Series Observations







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