decentralized, guaranteed storage of Cardano data
This is the repository of the open source implementation of permanentum. In time the whole project will be available here.
To run a local instance just clone this repo and run:
cp example.env .env
# OPT: edit .env to your liking
docker compose up
NOTE: Do not try to pull the images, the locations in the image:
point to an internal image registry of
This will start a number of services, amongst others
No UI and
web ui can be found at http://${TUN0}:5001/webui
You can generate a fil wallet by starting a bash shell on the lotus service and using the lotus cli:
docker compose exec lotus bash
# Inside the container run
lotus sync wait # This will wait until the node is syncronized. If it fails
# the most probable cause is that the node is still importing
# the Snapshot
lotus wallet new # Creates a new wallet and prints our its address
Now that you have a wallet, head over to the
calibnet faucet
and send yourself some funds. Run lotus wallet list
to see whether the funds
an ipfs node is started automatically. Its web UI is available at