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Unified Poetry Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet encompasses commands for package management and environment management:

Example Description
poetry --help Displays help information for all commands.
poetry --version Displays the current version of Poetry.
poetry --verbose Increases verbosity level, -v for normal, -vv for more verbose, and -vvv for debug output.
poetry --quiet Suppresses all output messages.
poetry --ansi Forces ANSI output.
poetry --no-ansi Disables ANSI output.
poetry --no-interaction Disables any interactive prompts.
poetry --no-plugins Disables plugins for the command run.
poetry --no-cache Disables cache use during command execution.
poetry --directory=DIRECTORY Sets the directory for commands, default is current directory.
poetry new my-package Creates a new Python project with a standard directory structure.
poetry new my-folder --name my-package Specifies a different package name than the directory.
poetry new --src my-package Uses a src layout for the project structure.
poetry new --src --name my.package my-package Sets up a project with namespace packages inside a src directory.
poetry init Starts an interactive setup to create a pyproject.toml file.
poetry install Installs dependencies from pyproject.toml and creates a poetry.lock file if absent.
poetry install --without test,docs Excludes specific dependency groups during installation.
poetry install --with test,docs Includes optional dependency groups during installation.
poetry install --only test,docs Installs only specified dependency groups.
poetry install --only-root Installs only the project package, no dependencies.
poetry install --sync Synchronizes the environment exactly with the lock file.
poetry install --extras "mysql pgsql" Installs the project with specified extras.
poetry install --no-root Skips installation of the project package itself.
poetry install --compile Compiles Python source files to bytecode during installation.
poetry update Updates all project dependencies to their latest versions and updates poetry.lock.
poetry update requests toml Updates specific packages within the constraints of pyproject.toml.
poetry add requests Adds a new dependency to pyproject.toml and installs it.
poetry add requests@^2.0.5 Adds a dependency with a version constraint.
poetry add git+ Adds a git repository as a dependency.
poetry add --editable ./my-package/ Adds a local package in editable mode.
poetry remove requests Removes a dependency from the project.
poetry show pandas Displays information about a package or its version.
poetry build Builds the project into distributable archives.
poetry publish Publishes the package to a package repository.
poetry config --add-repository Configures Poetry settings, such as repositories and environments.
poetry run python Runs a command within the project's virtual environment.
poetry shell Spawns a shell with the project's virtual environment activated.
poetry check Checks the validity of the pyproject.toml file and the consistency of the lock file.
poetry search pandas Searches for packages in the configured repositories.
poetry lock Locks the project dependencies without installing them.
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt Exports dependencies to a requirements.txt file.
poetry env use /full/path/to/python Sets the specific Python version for the current project.
poetry env use python3.7 Uses the Python executable in your PATH.
poetry env use 3.7 Uses a minor Python version specified.
poetry env use system Uses the system's default Python, deactivating the virtual environment.
poetry env info Displays information about the currently activated virtual environment.
poetry env info --path Shows the path to the virtual environment.
poetry env info --executable Shows the path to the python executable in the virtual environment.
poetry env list Lists all virtual environments associated with the project.
poetry env list --full-path Displays the full path to the environments.
poetry env remove /full/path/to/python Removes specified virtual environments.
poetry env remove python3.7 Removes environments by specifying executable version.
poetry env remove 3.7 Removes environments by specifying minor version.
poetry env remove python3.6 python3.7 python3.8 Deletes multiple environments at once.
poetry env remove --all Deletes all associated virtual environments at once.


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