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Josh Oldenburg edited this page Jun 15, 2014 · 2 revisions

This is a guide to help developers install QuickDialog. It is intended for new developers or those who have not worked with third party libraries in the past.

This is based on the 1.0 release of QuickDialog.

Step 1: Install CocoaPods

The easiest way to install QD is using CocoaPods, a dependency manager for Xcode projects. To install CocoaPods (a Ruby gem), run this in Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/

    $ sudo gem install cocoapods
    $ pod setup

Step 2: Add the Dependency

In the same folder as your Xcode project, create a file called Podfile, with no extension. You can do this from the command line by typing the following:

    $ nano Podfile

This opens nano, a simple text editor. Add this to the file:

    platform :ios, '7.0'
    pod 'QuickDialog', '~>1.0'

then press ctrl+x, then y, then <enter>. This will save your Podfile.

Step 3: Install

The Podfile tells CocoaPods what libraries to install, and what versions. To actually install them, run:

    $ pod install

From this point forwards, be sure to use the file MyProject.xcworkspace instead of MyProject.xcodeproj, as the workspace file has the dependencies inside of it.

Step 4: Go!

QuickDialog is now installed! In any file, just use #import "QuickDialog.h" to import the headers.

Next Steps

Check out the other articles in the wiki (listed in the sidebar on the right). The Getting Started guide is especially useful for your first project with QuickDialog.