Material Design style Activity Indicator View for iOS replicating circular indeterminate progress indicator.
Similar to UIActivityIndicatorView:
//For default style just specify the center position for the indicator:
EYMaterialActivityIndicatorView* activityIndicatorView = [EYMaterialActivityIndicatorView.alloc initWithCenter:(CGPoint){100,150}];
//Or for custom style specify radius, stroke and color, in addition to center:
EYMaterialActivityIndicatorView* activityIndicatorView = [EYMaterialActivityIndicatorView.alloc initWithCenter:(CGPoint){100,150} radius:40 stroke:10 andColor:UIColor.redColor];
//And add it as usual
[self.view addSubview:activityIndicatorView];
#How It Looks
Default style radius is 20.0, stroke width is 4.0 and color is RGB(3,169,244).