A project in the course EDA260 Software Development in Teams at Lund University 2011. The aim with this course was to give knowledge about and practical experience on cooperation within a software development team. Focus is on the method Extreme Programming, which uses a highly iterative work process. The course covered principles for customer cooperation, planning, sustainable design and implementation, testing, and delivery of the product. The course also gave additional training in object-oriented programming.
More specifically each team had a on-site customer who wanted a time tracking system for the motorcycle race Enduro. In the end all the teams simulated a race and the software was tested in field.
This is a dump form the last SVN revision and not a complete migration since the original server is down. However a Gource visualization of the SVN repo is available at Vimeo.
Our team was prodly awarded for good code quality and usage of Object Oriented patterns.
Albin Rosberg (Team coach)
Sara Gustafzelius
Anton Klaren
Jonas Klauber
Tobias Magnusson
Erik Nyalnder
Michal Sadowski
Miriam Tisander
Erik Westrup