This is a Python client library for the Chronos HTTP Rest API
pip install chronos-python
git clone [email protected]/asher/chronos-python
python install
Create a ChronosClient
>>> import chronos
>>> client = chronos.connect("")
# or specify multilple servers that will be tried in order
>>> client = chronos.connect(["", ""])
List all jobs:
>>> client.list()
[{u'softError': False, u'scheduleTimeZone': u'null', u'successCount': 702, u'cpus': 0.25, u'disabled': False, u'ownerName': u'', u'owner': u'noop', u'disk': 256.0, u'errorCount': 0, u'container': {u'image': u'my-docker-registry:443/myimage', u'type': u'docker', u'network': u'BRIDGE', u'volumes': []}, u'errorsSinceLastSuccess': 0, u'highPriority': False, u'dataProcessingJobType': False, u'arguments': [], u'uris': [u'file:///root/.dockercfg'], u'shell': True, u'description': u'', u'schedule': u'R/2015-12-18T10:40:00.000Z/PT10M', u'mem': 1024.0, u'epsilon': u'PT60S', u'retries': 2, u'name': u'my job 1', u'runAsUser': u'root', u'lastSuccess': u'2015-12-18T10:30:09.755Z', u'environmentVariables': [], u'executorFlags': u'', u'command': u'', u'executor': u'', u'async': False, u'lastError': u'', u'constraints': []}, {u'softError': False, u'scheduleTimeZone': u'null', u'successCount': 40, u'cpus': 0.25, u'disabled': False, u'ownerName': u'', u'owner': u'noop', u'disk': 256.0, u'errorCount': 0, u'container': {u'image': u'my-docker-regsitry:443/myimage', u'type': u'docker', u'network': u'BRIDGE', u'volumes': [], u'errorsSinceLastSuccess': 0, u'highPriority': False, u'dataProcessingJobType': False, u'arguments': [], u'uris': [u'file:///root/.dockercfg'], u'shell': True, u'description': u'', u'schedule': u'R/2015-12-18T11:00:00.000Z/PT60M', u'mem': 1024.0, u'epsilon': u'PT60S', u'retries': 2, u'name': u'example_service mesosstage_kwabatch gitfb0c7ac5 config95bc9b2f', u'runAsUser': u'root', u'lastSuccess': u'2015-12-18T08:00:12.965Z', u'environmentVariables': [], u'executorFlags': u'', u'command': u'echo "This batch should run once per hour, and take 2 hours" && sleep 2h', u'executor': u'', u'async': False, u'lastError': u'', u'constraints': []}]
Add a new job:
>>> job = { 'async': False, 'command': 'echo 1', 'epsilon': 'PT15M', 'name': 'foo',
'owner': '[email protected]', 'disabled': True, 'schedule': 'R/2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/PT60M'}
>>> client.add(job)
Update an existing job:
>>> job = { 'async': False, 'command': 'echo 1', 'epsilon': 'PT15M', 'name': 'foo',
'owner': '[email protected]', 'disabled': True, 'schedule': 'R/2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/PT60M'}
>>> client.update(job)
Run a job:
Delete a job:
>>> client.delete("job123")
Delete all the in flight tasks for a job:
>>> client.delete_tasks("job123")
- Sync chronos jobs from a directory tree containing job.json --hostname --sync /path/to/job.json/files
- Nagios/Icinga style monitor of --hostname --crit 3 --prefix etl. --prefix data. --hostname --crit 3 --exclude etl.
uses Travis to test against multiple versions of Chronos. You can run the tests locally on any machine
with Docker on it.
To run the tests:
make itests
To run against a different version of Chronos:
CHRONOSVERSION=2.4.0 make itests