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Python Sample App for SMO Systems like Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform. We aim to be ORAN aligned. Use this to kickstart your own app!


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Hello World Python App


This is a simple Hello World Python App with the following three endpoints:

  • /sample-app/python/hello is a sample endpoint.

  • /sample-app/python/health is an endpoint for an external agent to monitor the App liveliness.

  • /sample-app/python/metrics is an endpoint that presents the number of successful and failed invocations of the '/sample-app/python/hello' endpoint.

Build Docker Image

Rename the Dockerfile-template file to Dockerfile.

mv Dockerfile-template Dockerfile

Replace <PYTHON_IMAGE_NAME> in the Dockerfile with a slim Python base image. Refer to: Python on Docker™ Hub

Run the following command to build the image.

docker build . -t proj-eric-oss-drop/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app:<VERSION> --build-arg APP_VERSION=<VERSION>

Run Docker Image

A port binding on port 8050 is done to expose the endpoints.

docker run -p 8050:8050 --rm --name python-sample-app proj-eric-oss-drop/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app:<VERSION>

Run a curl request to the /sample-app/python/hello endpoint of the app. The request should return a "Hello World!!" response.

curl -is localhost:8050/sample-app/python/hello

Example Output:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 14:46:46 GMT
Content-Length: 13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello World!!

Build the CSAR package

For this step, install the App Package Tool.

Once installed, the tool will be available as a Docker image named

Note: In the commands below, make sure to replace <VERSION> with the correct Python Sample App version. Run the following commands from within your project directory eric-oss-hello-world-python-app-<VERSION>.

mkdir -p helloworldAppPackage

The zip file includes a csar directory, which has the structure of the CSAR package.

cp -r ./csar/* ./helloworldAppPackage/

Run the following command to generate an archive of the chart.

helm package ./charts/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app/

Move the created .tgz file to the OtherDefinitions/ASD directory.

mv eric-oss-hello-world-python-app-<VERSION>.tgz ./helloworldAppPackage/OtherDefinitions/ASD/

Create a folder where the CSAR app package will be stored into.

mkdir csar-output

Generate an archive of the Docker image and store it temporarily in the csar-output directory.

docker save proj-eric-oss-drop/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app:<VERSION> -o csar-output/docker.tar

Run the following command locally to create a CSAR app package using the eric-oss-app-package-tool.

docker run --init --rm \
  --volume $PWD/csar-output/:/tmp/csar/ \
  --volume $HOME/.docker:/root/.docker \
  --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --workdir /target \
  --volume $PWD/helloworldAppPackage:/target \ \
  generate --tosca /target/Metadata/Tosca.meta \
  --name helloworldAppPackage \
  --images /tmp/csar/docker.tar \
  --helm3 \
  --output /tmp/csar

Run the following command to verify if the CSAR Package was created successfully.

ls ./csar-output

helloworldAppPackage.csar is visible in the directory.

Onboard the App

Prerequisites for Onboarding

The user with the required roles is authenticated and a JSession ID is available for accessing the required platform APIs.

For onboarding the Hello World App, the user logged into the system must have all following permissions:

Role Role Description
AppMgrAdmin Access to App Manager onboarding and instantiating Apps.
Exposure_Application_Administrator Access to Service Exposure Onboarding APIs for the Apps.
UserAdministration_ExtAppRbac_Application_SecurityAdministrator Access to Service Exposure Access control APIs for the Apps.

Use the following command to generate a valid Jsession ID:

Contact your platform administrator for the CA certificate required in the commands below.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request POST 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/auth/v1/login' \
--header 'X-Login: <USERNAME>' \
--header 'X-password: <PASSWORD>'

This command returns a JSession ID which is used in the commands in the following steps. See the following example of JSession ID:


Key Description
EIC_GAS_HOST GUI Aggregator Service (GAS) is the EIC OSS Portal Hostname
UserName User Name created in the IAM
Password Password credential created in the IAM

Steps for Onboarding

Onboard the Hello World CSAR App Package using App Onboarding.

To start the onboarding of the Hello World CSAR app, run the following command in a bash window.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request POST 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--form 'file=@"<PATH_TO_CSAR>/helloworldAppPackage.csar"' \

Example of command result:

  "id": 8,
  "name": "helloworldAppPackage.csar",
  "username": "Unknown",
  "version": "1.1.1",
  "size": "100MB",
  "vendor": "Unknown",
  "type": "APP",
  "onboardedDate": "2022-08-19T11:33:03.955+00:00",
  "status": "UPLOADED",
  "mode": "DISABLED"

The id, shown in the command result, is APP_ONBOARDING_ID (8 in the example). Use the APP_ONBOARDING_ID to get the status of the onboarding process in the following commands:

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request GET 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/<APP_ONBOARDING_ID>' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \

It can take up to five minutes for the status to change to ONBOARDED. Repeat the command till the status is changed to ONBOARDED.

Example of command result:

  "id": 8,
  "name": "helloworldAppPackage.csar",
  "username": "Unknown",
  "version": "1.1.1",
  "size": "100MB",
  "vendor": "Unknown",
  "type": "APP",
  "onboardedDate": "2022-08-19T11:33:03.955+00:00",
  "status": "ONBOARDED",
  "mode": "DISABLED",
  "artifacts": [
      "id": 12,
      "name": "docker.tar",
      "type": "IMAGE",
      "version": "--",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "location": "/v2/"
      "id": 11,
      "name": "eric-oss-hello-world-python-app",
      "type": "HELM",
      "version": "1.0.0-0",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "location": "/api/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app_2.9.985/charts/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app/1.0.0-0"
  "events": []

Run the following command to switch the app mode from 'DISABLED' to 'ENABLED'.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request PUT 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/<APP_ONBOARDING_ID>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"mode": "ENABLED"}' \

Example of command result:

  "id": 8,
  "name": "helloworldAppPackage.csar",
  "username": "Unknown",
  "version": "1.1.1",
  "size": "100MB",
  "vendor": "Unknown",
  "type": "APP",
  "onboardedDate": "2022-08-19T11:33:03.955+00:00",
  "status": "ONBOARDED",
  "mode": "ENABLED",
  "artifacts": [
      "id": 12,
      "name": "docker.tar",
      "type": "IMAGE",
      "version": "--",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "location": "/v2/"
      "id": 11,
      "name": "eric-oss-hello-world-python-app",
      "type": "HELM",
      "version": "1.0.0-0",
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "location": "/api/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app_2.9.985/charts/eric-oss-hello-world-python-app/1.0.0-0"
  "events": []

Instantiate the App

Prerequisites for Instantiation

  • You need the JSession ID generated in Onboard the App prerequisite to access the App Manager for instantiating the Hello World CSAR App Package.
  • Contact your platform administrator to generate required App key, certificates, and secret name in which they are stored.

Steps for Instantiation

Use the APP LCM capability to instantiate the Hello World CSAR App. For more details on this capability, see App LCM.

Run the following command to start the instantiation process using the appOnboarding ID from Onboard the App.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request POST 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"appId": <ONBOARDED_APP_ID>,
    "additionalParameters": {
        "platformSecretName": "<PLATFORM_SECRET>",
        "caCertFileName": "tls.crt",
        "caCertMountPath": "cacerts",
        "iamBaseUrl": "https://<IAM_HOST_URL>",
        "rAppLogCertsSecretName": "<APP_MTLS_SECRET>",
        "logCACertSecretName": "la-cacert-secret",
        "logEndpoint": "<LOG_ENDPOINT>",
        "rAppLogTlsKeyFileName": "<APP_PRIVATE_KEY>",
        "rAppLogTlsCertFileName": "<APP_CERTIFICATE>",
        "logTlsCACertFileName": "<LOG_AGGREGATOR_CA_CERTIFICATE>",
        "logCaFilePath": "</PATH/TO/CA/LOG/FILE/>",
        "rAppLogCertFilePath": "</PATH/TO/APP/LOG/FILE/>"
}}' \

All additional parameters are required for successful instantiation of your App.

The iamBaseUrl is required as the /sample-app/python/hello endpoint of this sample app first communicates with IAM to obtain a client token (login) before returning the Hello World!\n string output.

platformSecretName, caCertFileName, and caCertMountPath are required to enable secure TLS communication. See App Certificate Provisioning Developer Guide to understand how the certificates are loaded into the App during instantiation for secure communication.

Use the prerequisites gathered from your platform administrator to populate the additional parameters: rAppLogCertsSecretName, logCACertSecretName, logEndpoint, rAppLogTlsKeyFileName, rAppLogTlsCertFileName, logTlsCACertFileName. For more information on variables values required, see App Logging Developer Guide to Produce logs.

The logCaFilePath and rAppLogCertFilePath are configurable file paths to the CACert and App log files respectively.

See the following example command result:

  "id": 5,
  "appOnBoardingAppId": 8,
  "healthStatus": "PENDING",
  "targetStatus": "INSTANTIATED",
  "createdTimestamp": "2022-08-19T11:37:02.491951Z",
  "additionalParameters": "{
}","links": [
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances/5"
    "rel": "artifact-instances",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances/5/artifact-instances"
    "rel": "app",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/8"
    "rel": "artifacts",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/8/artifacts"

The ID returned by the command output is the instantiation ID, in the previous example "id:5". Use the instantiation app ID in the following command to check the instantiation status. Repeat the command until the health status is changed to "healthStatus":"INSTANTIATED".

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request GET 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances/<INSTANTIATION_APP_ID>' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Example of command result:

  "id": 5,
  "appOnBoardingAppId": 8,
  "healthStatus": "INSTANTIATED",
  "targetStatus": "INSTANTIATED",
  "createdTimestamp": "2022-08-19T11:37:02.491951Z",
  "additionalParameters": "{
}","links": [
    "rel": "self",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances/5"
    "rel": "artifact-instances",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/lcm/app-lcm/v1/app-instances/5/artifact-instances"
    "rel": "app",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/8"
    "rel": "artifacts",
    "href": "https://eric-oss-app-lcm/app-manager/onboarding/v1/apps/8/artifacts"

Onboard the Hello World Python App APIs

Run the following command to onboard the Hello World App APIs.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request POST 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/v1/routes' \
--header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=<JSESSIONID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "id": "hello-world-python-route-001",
  "predicates": [
      "name": "Path",
      "args": {
        "_genkey_0": "/sample-app/python/hello"
  "uri": "http://eric-oss-hello-world-python-app:8050"

Manage access control for the Hello World Python App APIs

To allow access to the API end points provided by the 'Hello World' App, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration is required. To add the RBAC policy run the following curl command.

curl --cacert <PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE> --location --request POST 'https://<EIC_GAS_HOST>/idm/rolemgmt/v1/extapp/rbac' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "tenant": "master",
  "roles": [
      "name": "Python_SampleApp_Application_Administrator"
  "authorization": {
    "resources": [
        "name": "python_sample_app_hello",
        "type": "urn:eo:resources:extrapp",
        "ownerManagedAccess": false,
        "uris": [
        "scopes": [
            "name": "PATCH"
            "name": "DELETE"
            "name": "GET"
            "name": "POST"
            "name": "PUT"
    "policies": [
        "name": "Python Sample App Hello Policy",
        "type": "role",
        "logic": "POSITIVE",
        "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
        "config": {
          "roles": "[{\"id\":\"Python_SampleApp_Application_Administrator\",\"required\":false}]"
        "name": "Python Sample App Hello Permission",
        "type": "scope",
        "logic": "POSITIVE",
        "decisionStrategy": "AFFIRMATIVE",
        "config": {
          "resources": "[\"python_sample_app_hello\"]",
          "scopes": "[\"GET\",\"PUT\",\"POST\",\"DELETE\",\"PATCH\"]",
          "applyPolicies": "[\"Python Sample App Hello Policy\"]"
    "scopes": [
        "name": "GET"
        "name": "POST"
        "name": "DELETE"
        "name": "PUT"
        "name": "PATCH"

To access the /sample-app/python/hello endpoint, the new role Python_SampleApp_Application_Administrator must be assigned to any user accessing the endpoint.


Python Sample App for SMO Systems like Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform. We aim to be ORAN aligned. Use this to kickstart your own app!








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