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dyno is an AWS dynomodb API extension library


Input Builders

Build inputs for API operations with input builders allowing more straight-forward building of more complicated operations. Example:

builder := NewScanBuilder().SetTableName("TableName")
    condition.Equal("Bar", "Hello World"),
    condition.Between("Foo", 0, 2),
builder.AddProjectionNames("ID", "TimeStamp")
input, err := builder.Build()

Operations as Promises

All DynamoDB API calls (e.g. DynamoDB.Query()) return an Operation type that will execute the API call in a go routine and will wait and return values by calling Operation.Await. Example:

scanInput := NewScanInput().SetTableName("MyTable")
scanOp := session.Scan(scanInput)  // here we are using a ``Session`` type
scanOutput, err := scanOp.Await()

Each dynamodb API operation has its own Operation type


All DynamoDB API calls have their own middleware interface that can be used to wrap API calls. Example:

// Note: ScanAll does the same thing as Scan except it will keep running Scan operations until no results are left
// to be returned

var cached *dynamodb.ScanOutput

testCacheMiddelWare := ScanMiddleWareFunc(func(next ScanHandler) ScanHandler {
    return ScanHandlerFunc(func(ctx *ScanContext, output *ScanOutput) {
        if cached != nil {
            output.Set(cached, nil)
        next.HandleScan(ctx, output)
        out, err := output.Get()
        if err != nil {
        cached = out

// create a NewScanBuilder, input is nil as we do not have an existing ScanInput
input, err := NewScanBuilder(nil).SetTableName("MyTable").Build()
if err != nil {

// NewScanAll creates a Scan operation that repeats scan api calls until all values are returned
scan := NewScanAll(input, testCacheMiddelWare)
scanOperation := scan.Invoke(context.ToDo(), dynamoDBClient)
out, err := scanOperation.Await()


More control over struct encoding with extensions to the dynamodbav struct tags including:

  • embedding (flattening) other structs or maps within structs with struct tags: dynamodbav:"*"
  • prepended or appended key values to embedded structs: dynamodbav:"*,prepend=Foo,append=Bar"
  • enable json conversion with struct tags: dynamodbav:",json"

MapMarshaler and MapUnmarshaler interfaces can be implemented to directly control how a type will be marshalled or unmarshalled into a DynamoDB record with type map[string]AttributeValue.

Call encoder with encoding.MarshalItem(myItem) to marshal a value to a DynamoDB record or marshal a slice of DynamoDB record all at once items with encoding.MarshalMaps([]myItem{...})


Use the Pool type to limit parallel executions, or to batch process api calls in a controlled way. Example:

pool := NewPool(context.Background(), dynamoDBClient, 10)

var scanOperations []*Scan

for _, scan := range []*dynamodb.ScanInput{...} {
    scanOperations := pool.Scan(scanInput)
    scanOperations = append(scanPromises, scanPromise)

for _, promise := range scanOperations {
	out, err := promise.Await()

Distributed Locks

The Lock module provides distributed locking functionality for dynamodb records:

lock := lock.MustAcquire(tableName, itemKey, db,

// release
err = lock.Release()