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vis-plug 🍜

A minimal plugin-manager for vis

vis-plug plugins are defined by a Lua file in a git repository and can be both a plugin or a theme.

Configure plugins in your visrc and use Commands to install and more.

Plugins are installed using git (in the background) to a cache folder and required on init.


git clone vis-plug and require it in your visrc.


Configure plugins in your visrc as a list of tables given to the plug.init method.


local plug = require('plugins/vis-plug')

-- configure plugins in an array of tables with git urls and options 
local plugins = {

	-- load a plugin given a repo ( can be omitted and expects a 'init.lua' file)
	{ 'erf/vis-cursors' },

	-- first parameter is a shorthand for 'url'
	{ url = 'erf/vis-cursors' },

	-- specify the lua file to require (or theme to set) and give a ref (commit, branch, tag) to checkout
	{ 'erf/vis-test', file = 'test', ref = 'some-branch' },

	-- specify an alias to later use to access plugin variables (see example below)
	{ 'erf/vis-highlight', alias = 'hi' },

	-- configure themes by setting 'theme = true'. The theme 'file' will be set on INIT
	{ 'samlwood/vis-gruvbox', theme = true, file = 'gruvbox' },

-- require and optionally install plugins on init
plug.init(plugins, true)

-- access plugins via alias
plug.plugins.hi.patterns[' +\n'] = { style = 'back:#444444' }

Each plugin table can have the following options:

  • url - the url to the git repo ( or https:// can be omitted)
  • file - the relative path to the lua file (defaults to init, skip the .lua part) (optional)
  • ref - checkout a spesific commit, branch or tag (optional)
  • alias - access plugins via plug.plugins.{alias} (optional)
  • theme - set theme = true if theme; will set theme on INIT event (optional)

Install on init

Pass true as second argument to init to install on init.

require('plugins/vis-plug').init(plugins, true)

Install path

Plugins are by default installed (cloned) to the default cache folder on your system:


Use plug.path to set a custom install path:



Install themes using the { theme = true, file = 'somepath/theme-file' } option (don't include .lua)

The first theme in the config table is set on the INIT event.

Example theme:

local plugins = {
	{ 'timoha/vis-acme', theme = true, file = 'acme' },


We support the following vis commands:

:plug-list - list plugins and themes

:plug-install - install plugins (git clone)

:plug-update - update plugins (git pull)

:plug-outdated - check if plugins are up-to-date

:plug-upgrade - upgrade to latest vis-plug using git pull

:plug-remove - delete plugin by {name} (:plug-list for names)

:plug-clean - delete all plugins from disk

:plug-checkout - checkout {name} {commit|branch|tag}

:plug-commands - list commands (these)


I've created vis-plugins - a web page with is a list of plugins and themes based on the vis wiki.

It's hosted by github at