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Streeng is an indexing tool for string arrays. If you make MakeStreeng with string array, it builds new rune tree. You can use this package for a lot of query. Query number may be millions, may be billions. Queries are very fast like 5 nanoseconds.

How does it work?

Example: This is a text to test

String array: This, is, a, text, to, test

String tree:

Streeng Tree


Name Description Parameter(s) Return
MakeStreeng It makes a streeng struct with given string array []string *streeng.Streeng
Search This function searches given word in the tree string []int
Match It matches words with given regular expression string []int
StartWith It searches words which start with given string string []int
EndWith It searches words which end with given string string []int
Contains It returns whether or not the word exists string bool
Terms It calculates term of tree with frequency as map map[string]int
FindFreqTerms It reports frequent of terms bigger than min value int map[string]int
Traverse Traverse function traverses nodes on given tree func(*streeng.Node)
GoTraverse It traverses nodes on given tree with goroutines func(*streeng.Node)
Clean Clean function cleans the tree
ReverseStreeng It makes reverse tree and attach streeng *streeng.Node
StringFromFile It reads bytes from the file string string, error
StringFromURL It reads bytes from the URL content string string, bool
Depth It returns depth of streeng int
Words It returns element of words int string
NodeCount It returns count of streeng's tree int
ReverseNodeCount It returns count of streeng's reverse tree int
Rate It returns rate streeng float64
TermList It returns list of terms map[string]int
TokenList It returns list of tokens []int
Value It returns rune value of node rune
Words It returns word of index int int
Character It returns node's rune child rune *streeng.Node