Open source projects published by Emerald Geomodelling
- libsgfdata - Parser for data from geotechnical field investigations in the data format specified in Report 3:2012E from the Swedish Geotechnical Society, with support for additionally fields / extensions from Geotech AB. This includes TOT and CPT files, used by e.g. NADAG.
- libgeosuitesnd - Parser for the Trimble GeoSuite[tm] SND export format
- libgeosuiteprv - Parser for the Trimble GeoSuite[tm] PRV export format
- libaarhusxyz - Parser for the Aarhus Workbench XYZ format for geophysical data.
- downfile - Serialize any data from Python in a controlled manner
- libnadagclient Client library for the geotechnical database at comforming to the libsgfdata datamodel.
- terrainy raster download utility library for map imagery and dtm:s. Extends the functionality of e.g. contextily.
- gltfshapes is a small library to generate various 3d data visualizations in the form of trimesh meshes.
- PandasIO Reimplementation of pandas.DataFrame.to_sql and pandas.read_sql_query with more control over the SQL side of things such as adding support for primary and foreign keys as well serializing extra columns to JSON.
- Beryllium A processing and inversion toolchain for time domain EM.
- emerald-processing-em A processing pipeline for time domain EM.
- SimpleEM A wrapper on top of SimPEG for inverting measured TEM delivered in XYZ format with a system description in GEX format.
- scikit-learn-emeralds Collection of tools for numpy and scikit-learn: Split a dataset by frequency of data values, plot a confusion matrix that takes probabilities/certainty of predictions into account
- EmeraldTriangles Transformations and manipulation of 2d triangle meshes, including refining and merging of meshes as well as import and export to various formats.
- emerald-shapeutils Various tools for sampling along Shapely shapes
- BokehGarden A Bokeh based web application framework focused on plotting heavy interactive applications. Additionally, it provides several improved widgets for Bokeh, that can be used both within the framework and in a standalone bokeh app, such as an interactive colorbar, file download/upload buttons and an autocomplete input field.
- emerald-plotly-react is an extension to the renowned data visualization library, Plotly. Our module is designed to enhance and simplify your data visualization experience by offering additional functionality that seamlessly integrates with Plotly's core features.
- emerald-json-editor-react is a wrapper that around jsoneditor that utilizes react functionality.
- Swaggerspect Swaggerspect introspects python classes and functions and generates machine readable descriptions in the Swagger and JSON Schema syntaxes.
- git-snake-release - Recursively find all python dependencies using git URL:s and tag them using the same tag, as well as update to use said tag.
- scikit-gstat A scipy-styled analysis module for geostatistics. We have contributed optimizations for processing large datasets.