Docker file for running Shaarli.
The automated build is located at
The GitHub repo is located at
This pulls the the release from
Current version 0.5.0
If you are installing it for the first time you will want to first make a data container for the data, then run the container.
This assumes that you have Docker installed and set up properly.
docker create --name shaarli-data elrac/shaarli
docker run --volumes-from shaarli-data -p 8000:80 -d --name shaarli elrac/shaarli
It should then be available at http://localhost:8000
To update you will want to bring down the running server, update, and run the new one. We do not want to touch the shaarli-data container because that holds the preferences and all your links.
docker stop shaarli
docker rm shaarli
docker pull elrac/shaarli
docker run --volumes-from shaarli-data -p 8000:80 -d --name shaarli elrac/shaarli
If you are installing it for the first time we will want to first build the image, then make a data container for the data, then finally run the container. This assumes that you have Docker installed and set up properly.
docker build -t shaarli
docker create --name shaarli-data shaarli
docker run --volumes-from shaarli-data -p 8000:80 -d --name shaarli shaarli
It should then be available at http://localhost:8000
To update you will want to bring down the running server, build the new one, and run it. We do not want to touch the shaarli-data container because that holds the preferences and all your links.
docker stop shaarli
docker rm shaarli
docker build -t shaarli
docker run --volumes-from shaarli-data -p 8000:80 -d --name shaarli shaarli