Scripts to help with spreadsheeting!
- Navigate to Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off
- Turn on "Windows Subsystem for Linux"
- Reboot PC
- Navigate to the Microsoft Store
- Search for 'ubuntu', then 'get' Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Click on 'Launch' to install Ubuntu
- Choose username and password
- Type 'sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt clean' (without quotes) in the terminal
- Type 'sudo apt install ruby-full'
- Type 'sudo gem install rubyXL' (google the error and follow directions for the stuff nokogiri needs)
- In Windows, create a folder called 'unbutu' on c: (or whichever disk drive)
- type 'cd /mnt/c/ubuntu'
- type 'git clone [repo url]'
- From Windows, launch Ubuntu (Windows Key -> search "ubuntu")
- In the terminal, type 'cd /mnt/c/unbuntu/budget-sheets' ('cd' means 'change directory')
- type 'ls' (list) to view directory contents
- type 'pwd' (print working directory) to see which directory you're in
- In Windows, create a copy the spreadsheet into c:\unbuntu\budget-sheets
- In Windows, create an output file (ex: output.yaml) in c:\ubuntu\budget-sheets
- Note that the output file must be empty
- Open c:\ubuntu\budget-sheets\spreadsheet-tools.rb a text editor (ex: Sublime Text)
- Scroll to the bottom of the file (where it says "Call Functions Below Here")
- Use the functions according to the format in the comments (lines starting with a # are commented, meaning you can read them but they will not execute as code)
- Save the file
- In the terminal, type 'ruby spreadsheet_tools.rb'
- If it's taking too long, type CTRL + C in the terminal to stop the process
- Open the output file when the script says it's done!