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@eliaskosunen eliaskosunen released this 21 Feb 20:34
· 479 commits to master since this release

Getting closer to 1.0!

Feature highlights

New float parsing

Now, by default, scnlib uses for parsing floating-point values, falling back on std::from_chars and std::strtod only if necessary.

This provides even more performance than before.

New format strings

Many things have changed (see the migration guide below), and the same format strings may now do different things.

// alignment
int i{};
auto result = scn::scan("***1***", "{:*^}", i);
// i == 1
// result.empty() == true

// localization
double d{};
result = scn::scan_localized(std::locale{"fi_FI.UTF-8"}, "3,14", "{:L}", d);
// d == 3.14
// result.empty() == true

// width
std::string str1;
result = scn::scan("abcde", "{:3}", str1);
// str1 == "abc"
// result.range() == "de"

// string set
std::string str2;
result = scn::scan("123abc", "{:[0-9]}", str2);
// str2 == "123"
// result.range() == "abc"

Unicode support

// Parse Unicode code points
scn::code_point cp{};
auto result = scn::scan("äa", "{}", cp);
// cp == 0xe4
// result.range() == "a"

// Parse Unicode strings
std::string s1, s2;
// s1: read until whitespace
// s2: read until non-letter character, according to locale
result = scn::scan_localized(std::locale{"fi_FI.UTF-8"}, "äa äa", "{} {:L[:alpha:]}", s1, s2);
// s1 == s2 == "äa"
// result.empty() == true

And more

See and the documentation, namely the migration guide for more details

Full Changelog: v0.4...v1.0-rc1