Boaster is a software rasterizer written in C, for the heck of it
Build with make
Boaster requires POSIX API's to be present. This means that Windows is not supported. However, WSL is supported.
Feel free to issue a PR to port Boaster to Windows or other platforms!
Boaster is made up of multiple modules. Each module compiles to a static library, which you can link against:
-lboaster -lboastmath -lboastgl
Before rendering with Boaster, you need to create a context by specifying a configuration:
boaster_config_t config = {
.raster_mode = THREADED,
.num_threads = -1
boaster_context_t *context = boaster_context_create(config);
Once this is done, you can use this context to render. For rendering, a draw call must be specified, which can then be submitted to the renderer:
boaster_draw_call_t draw_call = {
.vertex_shader = pass_through_vertex_shader,
.input_format = &format,
.transform_format = &format,
.pixel_shader = pixel_shader,
.vertex_buffer = vertex_buffer,
.target_image = image
boaster_render(context, draw_call);
Boaster comes with multiple sample applications, which can be found in the root or in the parrotdemo folder:
- Must be run from
- This sample contains multiple animations
- The animation can be specified as a command line parameter
- Available animations ( under
- Must be run from
NOTE: From WSL, specify the display to use:
DISPLAY=:0 ./out/glmain
Unless otherwise specified, the MIT license applies to all code and assets in this repository. See LICENSE.
Credit is appreciated but optional. :)
Feel free to submit a pull request for review!