Medrem is a general time website use to remind users their medicine either by calling or by texting them on whatsapp. We have also taken initiative to remind user of their expired medicine atleast two months prior by sending them email about expired medicines.
Some details
The site is working on two ends 1.Frontend (handled by HTML,CSS,Bootstrap) 2.Backend (Handled by Flask)
Programming languauges/APIs used: Python,Flask,Twilio
#Installing Flask on local machine
Flask can be installed using this link
Here is a quickstart guide to flask
After setting up virtualenv and cloning directory Write the command python3 It will show flask starting up in your terminal window
On localhost you will see dashboard of medrem
Note : In order to access the calling and texting facility by twilio one should have twilio account. Replace auth keys and token in the code with yours.
This project was created at WMN hackathon banglore.
Contributors: Janhvi Talreja Ekta Arora Sonakshi Priya