Keep a track of your spent money
This is a simple web based port created to manage daily budgets .All you need is to add your regular expentidure. It will give you total amount spent. Further user can add daily bill reminders .Our site will notify user about last date of bill payment.An initiative for easy saving especially for students living away from home. Work on additional features going on :)
The complete site is based on python3 framework Django,Plotly.js,Css,HTML and lots of code ;)
To install Django on your local machines use the below link 1.Django Installation
- Install MYSQL Since the entire database is based on mysql format ,create a mysql server on your machine . To install mysql use the below link: mysql
PLEASE NOTE .. After creating database as the above step follow the below commands
3.Creating the database Login into your mysql user account using command $mysql -u 'user name' -p In mysql shell create a database using command
mysql> CREATE DATABASAE 'db name';
4.Configure database for adding tables In the terminal shell write the command
$sudo nano /etc/mysql/.my.cnf
user='user name'
!Note: write all the credentials without ' '
5.Restart your mysql server:
Enter the following commands to restart the server
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl restart mysql
if everything is configured well , your database will be configured with the app
6.To add migrations to django app In interact directory write the following commands
~/billing$ python3 makemigrations
~/billing$ python3 migrate
7.Finally running your machine:
~/billing$ python3 runserver
Your server will start at
Keep contributing . Hav a bug free code :)