ℹ️ codingame-python-merger is a tool that allows the CodinGame players to organize their Python code into multiple files. It is best used with the CodinGame Sync app and extension to push your code automatically to the plateform's editor. ℹ️
During the CodinGame AI competitions, the bot code can become quite big for a single file. This project lets you organize your Python code into multiple files, and automatically merge these into a single file that you can either copy or push to the CodinGame online editor.
Have fun!
Before you begin, ensure that Python 2+ is installed and running on your machine.
- Just clone this project on your computer, and start coding your bot!
- If you want to use the CodinGame Sync App, the file to sync with is
Only the code written in the
directory will be appended to themerge.py
file. -
In the
directory, you can organize your code in as many sub-directories as you wish. -
Only the
files will be merged, links (either symbolic or real) and files with another or no extension will be ignored. -
file is appended last to themerge.py
file, hence that is where your main code should be written. -
When you are ready, execute the
script. It will automatically merge all the appropriate files in themerge.py
file. Library imports are managed during the process. If you are using the CodinGame Sync App, your code should be automatically pushed to the CodinGame online editor once when the merge is complete. -
If you want to unit-test your code, use the
directory. The code there won't be appended to the merge.py file.
To contribute to codingame-python-merger, please refer to the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
- @ejulia 💻 📖
If you want to contact me you can reach me at emmanuel.julia[at]ik.me.
This project is licensed under the Open Source MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This README.md file was written using scottydocs' README-template.md, the all-contributors emoji key, and shields from shields.io.
This project is the result of independent work. The CodinGame company is not associated to it and may not be held liable for it.