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Modular Tram Station Framework for Transport Fever 2


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Modular Tram Station Framework for Transport Fever 2 THIS PROJECT AND THIS DOCUMENTATION ARE WIP


Themes are sets of modules of parts of a station which the user can select. Themes can be added by mods.

Define a theme

The definition of a theme is taking place in the modutram table in the metadata. Each module MUST have too values: theme: name of the theme themeType: type of the thing which this module represents


metadata = {
    modutram = {
        theme = "hamburg",
        themeType = "bench"

Multiple themes or themeTypes

You can use a module for multiple theme or theme types. If you want to use a module for multiple themes use the themes key instead of theme and use an array with themes as value If you want to use a module for multiple themeTypes use the themeTypes key instead of themeType and use an array with theme types as value

List of theme types

These list contains all theme types which are used in the base modular tram station mod. Ohter mods may have different theme types.

Theme Type Module type Description
bench Asset A single bench
benches Asset More than one bench
fence Asset Fence at the single platforms
lighting Asset lamps on platforms
billboard_small Asset small billboards on platforms
station_name_sign Asset station name sign
shelter_small Asset small shelter
shelter_medium Asset medium size shelter
shelter_large Asset large shelter
destination_display Asset destination display
bus_station_sign Asset bus stop signs at the platforms ends
tram_bidirectional_left Grid Module bidirectional tram lane (left hand traffic)
tram_bidirectional_right Grid Module bidirectional tram lane (right hand traffic)
tram_up Grid Module oneway tram lane (to the top)
tram_down Grid Module oneway tram lane (to the bottom)
platform_island_ramp Grid Module island platform
platform_left_ramp Grid Module ramp for left platform
platform_right_ramp Grid Module ramp for right platform
platform_right Grid Module platform with tram stop on the right side
platform_island Grid Module island platform
platform_left Grid Module platform with tram stop on the left side

Additional theme options

Additional theme options are optional and only needs to be set in one module of the theme


When a module in the construction is missing in a theme the module will used from the default theme. You can define another theme where missing modules should be used.


metadata = {
    modutram = {
        theme = "hamburg_1950",
        themeType = "bench",
        extends = "hamburg"


Excludes contains a list of theme types which should not be placed. The value is an array of themeTypes. This array MUST NOT contain grid module theme types.


metadata = {
    modutram = {
        theme = "hamburg_1850",
        themeType = "bench",
        themeExtends = "hamburg",
        themeExcludes = { "destination_display" }


The theme name will be displayed in the theme selection by default. To use another name (for translation) you can change it. The themeTranslations are a key value pairs with the theme name as key and the translation name as value

metadata = {
    modutram = {
        themes = { "hamburg_1850", "hamburg_1900" },
        themeType = "bench",
        themeExtends = "hamburg",
        themeExcludes = { "destination_display" },
        themeTranslations = {
            hamburg_1850 = _("Hamburg at 1850"),
            hamburg_1900 = _("Hamburg at 1900")

Build own module

There are two main module types.
Grid modules are mainly track and platform modules.
Asset modules are modules you are placing on other modules.

A module will be defined by it's type. The type of every module must start with modutram. If your module is for a station with specific namespace you have to append the namespace. E.g. when the station has the namespace berlin your module type must start with modutram_berlin.

After the modutram and namespace prefix the type must include the slot type. See at the table below which slot type you need for your module. Example modutram_asset or modutram_berlin_asset for a specific namespace.

Grid Modules

Grid module must have the module width in cm at the and of the type string. The width postfix must have the format 280cm. The whole type looks like this: modutram_berlin_tram_up_280cm

Asset Module

Asset and decoration modules may have a postfix when you want to specify special asset or decoration slots at your modules. For example you can define a type modutram_asset_bench if you have a specific slot for benches.

List of slot types

Module Type Slot type constant id description
Grid Module tram_bidirectional_left t.TRAM_BIDIRECTIONAL_LEFT 8 Tram Tracks in both directions (left hand traffic)
Grid Module tram_bidirectional_right t.TRAM_BIDIRECTIONAL_RIGHT 9 Tram Tracks in both directions (right hand traffic)
Grid Module tram_up t.TRAM_UP 10 One way tram track up
Grid Module tram_down t.TRAM_DOWN 11 One way tram track down
Grid Module bus_bidirectional_left t.BUS_BIDIRECTIONAL_LEFT 16 Bus Tracks in both directions (left hand traffic)
Grid Module bus_bidirectional_right t.BUS_BIDIRECTIONAL_LEFT 16 Bus Tracks in both directions (left hand traffic)
Grid Module bus_up t.BUS_UP 18 One way bus track up
Grid Module bus_down t.BUS_DOWN 19 One way bus track down
Grid Module train t.TRAIN 24 Train track
Grid Module platform_none t.PLATFORM_NONE 32 Platform without waiting lanes (passengerEdge)
Grid Module platform_island t.PLATFORM_ISLAND 33 Platform with stop at both sides
Grid Module platform_left t.PLATFORM_LEFT 34 Platform with stop at the left side
Grid Module platform_right t.PLATFORM_RIGHT 35 Platform with stop at the right side
Asset Module asset t.ASSET 40 Asset Module
Asset Module decoration t.DECORATION 48 Decoration Module ("Asset" placed on asset module)

Access to modutram

You have access to modutram from your module by calling

updateFn = function(result, transform, tag, slotId)
    local modutram = result.modutram

in your module updateFn().

Access to modules

Access to current module

You have access to the current module in your module file by calling the getModule() with the given slotId as param

updateFn = function(result, transform, tag, slotId)
    local module = result.modutram:getModule(slotId)

Access to neighbor modules

You will get access to the neighbor modules by using following methods

updateFn = function(result, transform, tag, slotId)
    local module = result.modutram:getModule(slotId)

    local leftNeightbor = module:getNeighborLeft() -- left from current module
    local rightNeighbor = module:getNeighborRight() -- right from current module
    local neighborTop = module:getNeighborTop() -- above current module
    local neighborBottom = module:getNeighborBottom() -- below current module

    -- checking whether there is a neighbor
    module:hasNeighborLeft() -- false in this case
    module:hasNeighborRight() -- false in this case
    module:hasNeighborTop() -- false in this case
    module:hasNeighborBottom() -- false in this case

Access to any module

You will get access to any module by grid coordinates

-- getting the module which is three steps left from current module
updateFn = function(result, transform, tag, slotId)
    local module = result.modutram:getModule(slotId)

    local otherModule = result.modutram:getModuleAt(module:getGridX() - 3, module:getGridY())

    -- checking for a module at grid coordinate
    result.modutram:isModuleAt(module:getGridX() - 3, module:getGridY()) -- false in this case

Get module from coorinate with no existing module

If you will access to a module which not exists via neighbor function or getModuleAt() you will get a void module which is like a dummy. You can use the neighbor function like a normal module

To check whether there is a void module you can call module:isBlank()

Basic module functions


Access the slot id of the module


Access the module type. The module type is represented by an integer value. It is not possible to define own types. You can import a table with all type with local t = require("modutram.types"). All types are referenced at the List of slot types.


Access the X-Cooridinate (Horizontal) of the grid (not the real position)


Access the Y-Cooridinate (Vertical) of the grid (not the real position)

Additional grid module functions


Access to the x position of the grid module


Access to the y position of the grid module


Access to the z position of the grid module

Tracks and Streets

ATTENTION: Don't add tracks or street in the handleTerminals() or handleLanes() function.


To add a street to you module, you can use the funtion modutram:addStreet(streetType, tram, edges, relativeSnapNodes) Params: streetType: street lua file (e.g. 'country_new_small.lua'), tram: 'YES', 'NO', or 'ELECTRIC' - Tram rails on the street edges: street edges (see the official modding documentation for more details) relativeSnapNodes (snap node relative to your own nodes - snap node of 0 means the first node of your edges)


To add tracks to your module, you can use the function modutram:addTrack(trackType, catenary, edges, relativeSnapNodes) Params: trackType: rail track lua file (e.g. 'high_speed.lua'), catenary: true or false - tracks has catenary edges: street edges (see the official modding documentation for more details) relativeSnapNodes (snap node relative to your own nodes - snap node of 0 means the first node of your edges)

Lanes and Terminals

Lanes are models with pathes for road vehicles (including tram), passengers and cargo. How lane models structured and works you can see in the official transport fever 2 modding documentation. I recommmend to separate lane models from "real" models because lanes are place conditionalle how modules are placed.

Terminals are lane models which has a vehicle node (node where a vehicle stops), passenger edge (edge where passenger waits), passenger node (node where the passengers exits a vehicle) or combined.

Modutram offers two function to handle lanes and terminals


The handleTerminals() function will be called when you module is part of a terminal group. A terminal group include the module where a vehicle stops and all modules where passengers leaves the vehicle or are waiting for it. The handleTerminals() function has one parameter terminalGroup. Terminal Models MUST to be added via the terminalGroup model. Otherwise there won't be bind each other to a valid terminal group. The handleTerminals() may be called twice (for each side). The game will crash when two same lane models are place. So be aware of it. You can check if terminals already placed eather with hasTerminals() or with hasTerminalsLeft and hasTerminalsRight


The terminalGroup has three properties:

  • trackDirection ('left' or 'right'): relevant for platforms - Direction of the current handled tracks - the handleTerminals() my be called twice for each trackDirection on islandPlatforms.
  • platformDirection ('left' or 'right'): relevant for tracks - Direction of the current handled platform - the handleTerminals() my be called twice for each track on bidirectional track modules.
  • vehicleStopAlignment ('top' or 'middle'): relevant for tracks - Position of the stop node relative to the track module to create a stop node at the center of the whole terminal group.
adding passenger and cargo terminals

To add a passenger or a cargo terminal you have to call terminalGroup:addTerminalModel(modelId, modelTransformation, modelTerminalId) on a platform module params: modelId: Id (filename of the mdl file) of the terminal model transformation: tranformation matrix (pivot center of the station) of the terminal model modelTerminalId (optional, default = 0): Id of the terminal defined in the terminal model Return: position in the result.models (starting from 0)

if you makes a cargo module you have to add load = "cargo" to the module modutram metadata.


module:handleTerminals(function (terminalGroup)
    terminalGroup:addTerminalModel('station/tram/modular_tram_station/path/passenger_terminal.mdl', transform)

You can use an existing model as terminal using terminalGroup:attachTerminal(modelPosition, modelTerminalId) params: modelPosition: position of the model in the result.models (starting from 0) modelTerminalId (optional, default = 0): Id of the terminal defined in the terminal model

adding vehicle terminals

To add a vehicle terminal you have to call terminalGroup:addVehicleTerminalModel(modelId, modelTransformation, modelTerminalId) on a track module. The pareters are the same as passenger/cargo modules


module:handleTerminals(function (terminalGroup)
    if terminalGroup.vehicleStopAlignment == 'top' then
        terminalGroup:addVehicleTerminalModel("station/tram/modular_tram_station/path/tram_stop_top.mdl", transform)
        terminalGroup:addVehicleTerminalModel("station/tram/modular_tram_station/path/tram_stop_middle.mdl", transform)

You can use an existing model as vehicle terminal using terminalGroup:attachVehicleTerminal(modelPosition, modelTerminalId) The pareters are the same as passenger/cargo modules

adding combined terminals

To add a vehicle and passenger/cargo terminal you can call terminalGroup:addVehicleAndPassengerTerminalModel(modelId, modelTransformation, modelTerminalId) (Parameters like the other above)

adding tracks

ATTENTION don't create tracks in the handleTerminals() function. It may crash the game

the addTrack() function returns an index. This index is the first node of the passed in edges. You can use this index to add a vehicleNode on this track.

To add a vehicle node use terminalGroup:attachVehicleTrackNode(edgeListType, catenaryOrTram, nodeIndex) Params

  • edgeListType: lua file of track or street (e.g. high_speed.lua)
  • catenaryOrTram: true or false if track; 'NO', 'YES', 'ELECTRIC' if street
  • nodeIndex: node index (returned by the addTrack()/addStreet() function)

If you want to add the first node of your edges add the node position to the index.


local nodeIndex = modutram:addTrack("high_speed.lua", true, {
    {{-10, 0, 0}, {10, 0, 0,}},
    {{0, 0, 0}, {10, 0, 0,}},

    {{0, 0, 0}, {10, 0, 0,}}, -- node to attach
    {{10, 0, 0}, {10, 0, 0,}},

module:handleTerminals(function (terminalGroup)
    terminalGroup:attachVehicleTrackNode("high_speed.lua", true, nodeIndex + 2)
disable terminal handling

You can disable terminal handling for you module a track or platform by adding 'hasTerminals = false' to the modutram metradata.

metadata = {
    modutram = {
        hasTerminals = false


The handleLanes() function will be called in all grid modules. These models will be added at the normal way by useing the addModelFn().


Assets are modules which are placable on grid modules. Assets are e.g. buildings, street connections, roofes or decoration stuff.

Add asset slot to grid module

To add an asset slot to a grid module you have to call the function gridModule:addAssetSlot(result, assetId, slotType, transformation, spacing, shape) Params: result: the result param from the updateFn() assetId: The asset id (Choosen number between 1 and 255). Each asset slot at the grid element should have different asset ids. Look at the reference for common asset slot ids (@todo). slotType: Slot type of the asset slot ('modutram_asset' is the general asset slot type) transformation: slot transformation spacings: slot spacings (see official modding documentation) shape: slot shape (see official modding documentation)

Access grid module

You can access the grid module where the asset is bind by calling the function asset:getParentGridModule()

Access asset id

You gets the asset id by calling the function asset:getAssetId()


Decorations are modules you can fix on assets. For example a clock on the station building.

Add decoration slots

You may define decoration slots on assets. To add an decoration slot to a asset you have to call the function asset:addDecorationSlot(result, decorationId, slotType, transformation, spacing, shape) decorationId is like the asset id on asset slots. All other ids are the same like the addAssetSlot() function

Access parent modules

You can access the asset by calling getParentAsset(). You has access to the grid module by calling getParentGridModule()


Utils are tiny various functions which make module building easier.


local makeGroundFaceFromGridModule = require("modutram.utils.makeGroundFaceFromGridModule")

Makes a ground face (necessary for groundFaces and terrainAlignment). The size of the ground face is the size of grid module. Params: gridModule: Module which position and sizes are should be used for transform: Module pivot point transformation Return: the ground face (as table)

local module = result.modutram:getModule(slotId)
local groundFace = makeGroundFaceFromGridModule(module, transform)


local makeLot = require("modutram.utils.makeLot")

Makes ground faces and terraign alignment and adds it to the result table Params: result: Result table to add groundFace: Ground face to create the lot fillTexture(optional): Ground Texture for the plain strokeTexture(optional): Ground Texture for the stroke

local module = result.modutram:getModule(slotId)
local groundFace = makeGroundFaceFromGridModule(module, transform)
makeLot(result, groundFace, "shared/asphalt_01.gtex.lua", "street_border.lua")

Build own tram station

If your modules doesn't to the standard station, you can define a station with our own namespace and change the properties that you need to.

Your module types must start with the prefix modutra_your_namespace.
In following examples I use the namespace my_tram_station

The updateFn() of your construction has to be empty, because it will be overriden by postRunFn().

-- ...
updateFn = function() {
-- ...

To create the nessecarry modul list you must add this code to your mod.lua.

local modulesForMyTramStation = {}
local modulesInGame = api.res.moduleRep.getAll()

for _, moduleFileName in ipairs(modulesInGame) do
    local module = api.res.moduleRep.get(api.res.moduleRep.find(moduleFileName))
    if ModuleRepository.isModutramItem(module, 'my_tram_station') then
        table.insert(modulesForMyTramStation, ModuleRepository.convertModule(module, 'my_tram_station'))

local motrasStation = api.res.constructionRep.get(api.res.constructionRep.find('station/tram/my_tram_station.con'))
motrasStation.updateScript.fileName = "construction/station/tram/my_tram_station.updateFn"
motrasStation.updateScript.params = {modules = modulesForMyTramStation}

Create a file construction/station/tram/my_tram_station.script and put folliwing code in it

local Modutram = require('modutram.modutram')

function data()
    return {
        updateFn = function (params, paramsFromModLua)
            local config = {
                gridModuleLength = 18, -- length (size on y axis) of a module
                baseHeight = 0, -- offset of the ground level compared to the ground level of the game
                defaultAssetSlotSpacing = {1, 1, 1, 1},
                -- @todo put config example here

            local result = { }
            Modutram.initialize(params, paramsFromModLua, config):bindToResult(result)

            return result


Modular Tram Station Framework for Transport Fever 2







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