$GLOBALS['TL_EASY_THEMES_MODULES']['my_module'] = array
'title' => 'My Module',
'label' => 'My Module',
'href' => 'main.php?do=my_module&theme=%s',
'href_fragment' => 'table=tl_additional_source',
'icon' => 'system/modules/my_module/html/my_module_icon.png',
'appendRT' => true
- title: optional, otherwise easy_themes uses $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_theme']['...'][1]
- label: optional, otherwise easy_themes uses $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_theme']['...'][0]
- href: optional, alternative to href_fragment, overwrites href_fragment!
- href_fragment: alternative to href, will be added to the url like this: main.php?do=themes&id=<theme id>
- icon: optional, if not given, easy_themes will try to load an icon using Controller::generateImage('my_module.gif', ...)
- appendRT: boolean, optional, if set to true, easy_themes will append the request token (&rt=<REQUEST_TOKEN>)