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RomanPotsReconstruction_factory initial version (#536)
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This PR finally provides a working Roman Pots reconstruction, for the
simplest, static matrix case (ideal for DVCS reconstruction at one beam

This will be rapidly improved in the next PRs, but we needed a working
starting first.

The current code is full of commented out portions - this will all be
cleaned up with the next PR, which will aim to improve the baseline.
  • Loading branch information
ajentsch authored Mar 10, 2023
1 parent f7e0d1a commit e0a8bd5
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Showing 4 changed files with 313 additions and 18 deletions.
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions src/detectors/RPOTS/
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@@ -1,35 +1,22 @@
// Copyright 2022, David Lawrence
// Copyright 2023, Alex Jentsch
// Subject to the terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory.

#include <JANA/JApplication.h>
#include <JANA/JFactoryGenerator.h>

#include <extensions/jana/JChainFactoryGeneratorT.h>

#include <global/digi/SiliconTrackerDigi_factory.h>
#include <global/tracking/TrackerHitReconstruction_factory.h>
#include "RomanPotsReconstruction_factory.h"

#include <algorithms/digi/SiliconTrackerDigiConfig.h>
#include <algorithms/tracking/TrackerHitReconstructionConfig.h>

extern "C" {
void InitPlugin(JApplication *app) {
using namespace eicrecon;

// Digitization
SiliconTrackerDigiConfig digi_default_cfg;
digi_default_cfg.threshold = 0;
digi_default_cfg.timeResolution = 8;
app->Add(new JChainFactoryGeneratorT<SiliconTrackerDigi_factory>({"ForwardRomanPotHits"}, "ForwardRomanPotDigiHits", digi_default_cfg));

// Convert raw digitized hits into hits with geometry info (ready for tracking)
TrackerHitReconstructionConfig hit_reco_cfg;
hit_reco_cfg.time_resolution = 8;
app->Add(new JChainFactoryGeneratorT<TrackerHitReconstruction_factory>(
{"ForwardRomanPotDigiHits"}, // Input data collection tags
"ForwardRomanPotRecHits", // Output data tag
hit_reco_cfg)); // Hit reco default config for factories
app->Add(new JFactoryGeneratorT<RomanPotsReconstruction_factory>());
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions src/detectors/RPOTS/
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@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
// Created by Alex Jentsch to do Roman Pots reconstruction
// Subject to the terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory.

#include <JANA/JEvent.h>
#include "RomanPotsReconstruction_factory.h"
#include "services/log/Log_service.h"
#include "extensions/spdlog/SpdlogExtensions.h"
#include "extensions/string/StringHelpers.h"

namespace eicrecon {

RomanPotsReconstruction_factory::RomanPotsReconstruction_factory(){ SetTag("ForwardRomanPotRecParticles"); }

void RomanPotsReconstruction_factory::Init() {

auto app = GetApplication();

m_log = app->GetService<Log_service>()->logger("ForwardRomanPotRecParticles");

auto id_spec = detector->readout(m_readout).idSpec();
try {
id_dec = id_spec.decoder();
if (!m_sectorField.empty()) {
sector_idx = id_dec->index(m_sectorField);
m_log->info("Find sector field {}, index = {}", m_sectorField, sector_idx);
if (!m_layerField.empty()) {
layer_idx = id_dec->index(m_layerField);
m_log->info("Find layer field {}, index = {}", m_layerField, layer_idx);
} catch (...) {
m_log->error("Failed to load ID decoder for {}", m_readout);
throw JException("Failed to load ID decoder");
// local detector name has higher priority
if (!m_localDetElement.empty()) {
try {
local = detector->detector(m_localDetElement);
m_log->info("Local coordinate system from DetElement {}", m_localDetElement);
} catch (...) {
m_log->error("Failed to locate local coordinate system from DetElement {}", m_localDetElement);
throw JException("Failed to locate local coordinate system");
// or get from fields
} else {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> fields;
for (auto &f: u_localDetFields) {
fields.emplace_back(f, 0);
local_mask = id_spec.get_mask(fields);
// use all fields if nothing provided
if (fields.empty()) {
local_mask = ~0;
// info() << fmt::format("Local DetElement mask {:#064b} from fields [{}]", local_mask,
// fmt::join(fields, ", "))
// << endmsg;
double det = aXRP[0][0] * aXRP[1][1] - aXRP[0][1] * aXRP[1][0];

if (det == 0) {
m_log->error("Reco matrix determinant = 0! Matrix cannot be inverted! Double-check matrix!");
throw JException("Reco matrix determinant = 0! Matrix cannot be inverted! Double-check matrix!");

aXRPinv[0][0] = aXRP[1][1] / det;
aXRPinv[0][1] = -aXRP[0][1] / det;
aXRPinv[1][0] = -aXRP[1][0] / det;
aXRPinv[1][1] = aXRP[0][0] / det;

det = aYRP[0][0] * aYRP[1][1] - aYRP[0][1] * aYRP[1][0];
aYRPinv[0][0] = aYRP[1][1] / det;
aYRPinv[0][1] = -aYRP[0][1] / det;
aYRPinv[1][0] = -aYRP[1][0] / det;
aYRPinv[1][1] = aYRP[0][0] / det;


void RomanPotsReconstruction_factory::ChangeRun(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent> &event) {
// Nothing to do here

void RomanPotsReconstruction_factory::Process(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent> &event) {

std::vector<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticle*> outputRPTracks;

// See Wouter's example to extract local coordinates CalorimeterHitReco.cpp
// includes DDRec/
// See tutorial
// auto converter = m_GeoSvc ....
// - line 200
// include the Eigen libraries, used in ACTS, for the linear algebra.

auto rawhits = event->Get<edm4hep::SimTrackerHit>("ForwardRomanPotHits");

//---- begin Roman Pot Reconstruction code ----

int eventReset = 0; // counter for IDing at least one hit per layer
std::vector<double> hitx;
std::vector<double> hity;
std::vector<double> hitz;

double goodHitX[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double goodHitY[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double goodHitZ[2] = {0.0, 0.0};

bool goodHit1 = false;
bool goodHit2 = false;

for (const auto h: rawhits) {

// auto cellID = h->getCellID();
// The actual hit position in Global Coordinates
auto pos0 = h->getPosition();

//TODO: this code is for the local coordinates conversion -- next PR
//auto gpos = converter->position(cellID);
// local positions
//if (m_localDetElement.empty()) {
// auto volman = detector->volumeManager();
// local = volman.lookupDetElement(cellID);
//auto pos0 = local.nominal().worldToLocal(
// dd4hep::Position(gpos.x(), gpos.y(), gpos.z())); // hit position in local coordinates

if(!goodHit2 && pos0.z > 27099.0 && pos0.z < 28022.0){

goodHitX[1] = pos0.x;
goodHitY[1] = pos0.y;
goodHitZ[1] = pos0.z;
goodHit2 = true;

if(!goodHit1 && pos0.z > 25099.0 && pos0.z < 26022.0){

goodHitX[0] = pos0.x;
goodHitY[0] = pos0.y;
goodHitZ[0] = pos0.z;
goodHit1 = true;


}// end loop over hits

// NB:
// This is a "dumb" algorithm - I am just checking the basic thing works with a simple single-proton test.
// Will need to update and modify for generic # of hits for more complicated final-states.

if (goodHit1 && goodHit2) {

// extract hit, subtract orbit offset – this is to get the hits in the coordinate system of the orbit
// trajectory -- should eventually be in local coordinates.
double XL[2] = {goodHitX[0] - local_x_offset_station_1, goodHitX[1] - local_x_offset_station_2};
double YL[2] = {goodHitY[0], goodHitY[1]};

double base = goodHitZ[1] - goodHitZ[0];

if (base == 0) {
m_log->info("Detector separation = 0! Cannot calculate slope!");
throw JException("Detector separation = 0! Cannot calculate slope!");

double Xip[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double Xrp[2] = {XL[1], (1000 * (XL[1] - XL[0]) / (base)) - local_x_slope_offset}; //- _SX0RP_;
double Yip[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double Yrp[2] = {YL[1], (1000 * (YL[1] - YL[0]) / (base)) - local_y_slope_offset}; //- _SY0RP_;

// use the hit information and calculated slope at the RP + the transfer matrix inverse to calculate the
// Polar Angle and deltaP at the IP

for (unsigned i0 = 0; i0 < 2; i0++) {
for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++) {
Xip[i0] += aXRPinv[i0][i1] * Xrp[i1];
Yip[i0] += aYRPinv[i0][i1] * Yrp[i1];

// convert polar angles to radians
double rsx = Xip[1] / 1000.;
double rsy = Yip[1] / 1000.;

// calculate momentum magnitude from measured deltaP – using thin lens optics.
double p = nomMomentum * (1 + 0.01 * Xip[0]);
double norm = std::sqrt(1.0 + rsx * rsx + rsy * rsy);

float prec[3] = {static_cast<float>((p * rsx) / norm), static_cast<float>((p * rsy) / norm),
static_cast<float>(p / norm)};

float refPoint[3] = {static_cast<float>(goodHitX[0]), static_cast<float>(goodHitY[0]), static_cast<float>(goodHitZ[0])};

//----- end RP reconstruction code ------

edm4eic::MutableReconstructedParticle rpTrack;
rpTrack.setEnergy(std::hypot(edm4eic::magnitude(rpTrack.getMomentum()), .938272));
//rpTrack.covMatrix(); // @TODO: Errors
outputRPTracks.push_back(new edm4eic::ReconstructedParticle(rpTrack));

} // END matrix reco



86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions src/detectors/RPOTS/RomanPotsReconstruction_factory.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Created by Alex Jentsch
// Subject to the terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory.

#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>

#include <DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h>
#include <DDRec/Surface.h>
#include <DDRec/SurfaceManager.h>

// Event Model related classes
#include <edm4eic/MutableReconstructedParticle.h>
#include <edm4eic/ReconstructedParticle.h>
#include <edm4eic/TrackerHit.h>
#include <edm4eic/vector_utils.h>
#include <edm4hep/SimTrackerHit.h>

#include <extensions/jana/JChainFactoryT.h>
#include <extensions/spdlog/SpdlogMixin.h>
#include <spdlog/logger.h>

namespace eicrecon {

class RomanPotsReconstruction_factory : public JFactoryT<edm4eic::ReconstructedParticle>{


RomanPotsReconstruction_factory(); //constructer

/** One time initialization **/
void Init() override;

/** On run change preparations **/
void ChangeRun(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent> &event) override;

/** Event by event processing **/
void Process(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent> &event) override;

//----- Define constants here ------

const double local_x_offset_station_1 = -833.3878326;
const double local_x_offset_station_2 = -924.342804;
const double local_x_slope_offset = -0.00622147;
const double local_y_slope_offset = -0.0451035;
const double crossingAngle = -0.025;
const double nomMomentum = 275.0;

std::string m_readout;
std::string m_layerField;
std::string m_sectorField;

dd4hep::BitFieldCoder *id_dec = nullptr;
size_t sector_idx{0}, layer_idx{0};

std::string m_localDetElement;
std::vector<std::string> u_localDetFields;

dd4hep::DetElement local;
size_t local_mask = ~0;
dd4hep::Detector *detector = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<const dd4hep::rec::CellIDPositionConverter> m_cellid_converter = nullptr;

const double aXRP[2][2] = {{2.102403743, 29.11067626},
{0.186640381, 0.192604619}};
const double aYRP[2][2] = {{0.0000159900, 3.94082098},
{0.0000079946, -0.1402995}};

double aXRPinv[2][2] = {{0.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 0.0}};
double aYRPinv[2][2] = {{0.0, 0.0},
{0.0, 0.0}};

std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> m_log; /// Logger for this factory


} // eicrecon
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/services/io/podio/
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Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ JEventProcessorPODIO::JEventProcessorPODIO() {


// Reconstructed data
Expand Down

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