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eQTL-Catalogue/genimpute workflow

Genotype imputation and quality control workflow used by the eQTL Catalogue.


Performs the following main steps:

Pre-imputation QC:

  • Convert raw array genotypes to GRCh38 coordinates with v0.4.1
  • Align array genotypes to the 1000 Genomes 30x on GRCh38 reference panel with Genotype Harmonizer.
  • Convert the genotypes to the VCF format with PLINK.
  • Exclude variants with Hardy-Weinberg p-value < 1e-6, missingness > 0.05 and minor allele frequency < 0.01 with bcftools
  • Calculate individual-level missingness using vcftools.


  • Genotype pre-phasing with Egale 2.4.1
  • Genotype imputation with Minimac4

Post-imputation QC:

  • Exclude variants with imputation R2 < 0.4
  • Keep variants on chromosomes 1-22 and X
  • Keep variants with MAF > 0.01
  • Multiply genotype dosage of male samples on the Non-PAR region of the X chromsome by two for easier QTL mapping

Input parameters


Raw genotypes in PLINK format (bed, bim, fam). Assumed to be in GRCh37 coordinates. Genotypes in VCF format can be converted to PLINK format with:

plink --vcf <path_to_vcf_file> --make-bed --out <plink_file_prefix>

The PAR and non-PAR regions of the X chromosome should be merged together and the name of the X chromsome should be 'X'. This can be achieved with PLINK:

plink --bfile Young_2019 --merge-x --make-bed --output-chr MT --out Young_2019_mergedX

Example command

Imputing genotypes from the open access CEDAR dataset.

nextflow run \
  -profile eqtl_catalogue -resume\
  --bfile plink_genimpute/CEDAR\
  --output_name CEDAR\
  --outdir CEDAR\
  --impute_PAR true\
  --impute_non_PAR true


  • Ralf Tambets
  • Kaur Alasoo
  • Liina Anette Pärtel
  • Mark-Erik Kodar