We first structured the website and styling with the CSS framework Bulma. Utilizing the National Park Service API and OpenWeather API we built an application that will display National Parks with a 5-Day Forecast to match for each park. Upon selecting a state from the drop down, you will be shown a list of the parks coordinating with that state. Next to the park, there is a button to display the weather in a modal. Below said list will be an image from the park, a description of the park, and some contact info for that park with a link to the parks website. Each state you select will be saved to local storage and shown as a button that will take you to that list of parks for that state.
Application uses at least two server-side APIs.
Application uses client-side storage to store persistent data.
Application doesn't use JS alerts, prompts, or confirms (uses modals instead).
Application uses a CSS framework other than Bootstrap.
Application is interactive (accepts and responds to user input)