- Python-Version - python 2.7.9
- App-version : 0.1
- Docker Page : https://hub.docker.com/r/padmakarojha/magnify/
generating reports from rdbms systems(mysql, mssql, etc) is very common in the field of information technology. Often we will just create custom php scripts to get what we want. Magnify looks at the same problem as a framework. In Magnify you can create reports dynamically by passing data at the time of generating reports.
for eg: Suppose there is table 'testdata' and has muliple columns , one of the column is date_field
Now you usually get data using the query below, where you basically replace the date field everytime you need to generate a report.
SELECT *FROM `testdata`WHERE (date_field BETWEEN '2010-01-30' AND '2010-09-29')
With magnigy you basically make these date values variable, and tell magnify what type of these two values are, You need to tell magnify that FROM_DATE, TO_DATE are variables of type date. hence when you select a query , you are asked for these variables in an html form , in this case it will be a date picker.
Once you provide that data , your report is generated , now you can export it as csv, pdf, (in future email support will be added), etc.
first things first , lets get all the dependencies out of the way
install freetds (Google up on this , in case you face issues)
install on Mac:
brew install freetds
install on unix:
yum install freetds freetds-devel
install on windows:
download from following link : Download FreeTDS.
python packages required
pip install django
pip install mysql-python
pip install pymssql
pip install reportlab
pip install django-grappelli
Create a db in mysql setup name it 'magnify'
create database magnify
open setting.py and update db connection settings of the database in which you created magnify db
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'magnify',
'USER': 'username',
'PASSWORD': 'password',
'HOST': 'localhost', # Or an IP Address that your DB is hosted on
'PORT': '3306',
When done with this you need to run below to generate schema for project
python manage.py schemamigration reporttool
Now run syncdb on django app to create actual tables, create an admin account too.
python manage.py syncdb
Now try running the app using
python manage.py runserver