This is a sample project that demonstrates how to inject a DLL into a process and then intercept / alter the behavior of APIs. It derives from an app compat
shim project. Building the solution builds two binaries, inject_dll.exe
and app_compat_shim.dll
Building Inject DLL requires the latest version of Visual Studio (currently, VS2022) and a handful of libraries to compile the code.
The .vcproj files expect there to be an environment variable, named 'Local_IncludePath', that contains the headers for the libraries it is dependent on. All dependent libraries are located on GitHub. It is typically easiest to clone those repositories and create a symlink to the proper directory in the cloned repo.
The dependencies are as follows:
- Environment variable that points to a directory with the following subdirectories in it:
boost - Symlink to (note, you need to build the headers by running `bootstrap.bat && .\b2 headers` after cloning the repo. Remember to use `--recurse-submodules` when cloning boost.)
detours - Symlink to (note, you also need to build detours using `nmake` in the approriate VS buid environment, e.g. x64)
dumbnose - Symlink to