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Angular Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet should help you to work with angular, when you have experience with react or vue.

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With the anguar cli you can quickly create a new angular projekt, components or services.

Install the CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli

Create a new angular project

ng new <app-name>

Create a new component

ng generate component <component-name>

or as shortcut

ng g c <component-name>


Angular creates new components direct into the app folder. Most of the time it's better to create create components within a component directory. Therefore you can add a path before the component name like: ng g c /components/<component-name>

Component files

Angular splits its logic into 4 different files.

  1. .css
  2. .html
  3. .spec.ts
  4. .ts

CSS file

The css file contains all css styles for your component.

Information: This depens on the css syntax you choose while project creation

HTML file

The html file contains the html of your component.

Spec file

The spec file contains your test cases for your component.

TS file

The ts file contains the logic of your component.

HTML syntax

There is a special syntax for embedding variables and functions into your html.

Printing variables

For adding variables you defined into the .ts file you use the following syntax:

<h1>Hello, {{ myVariable }}</h1>

Passing variables as properties

When you want to pass a variable into another component as property use the following syntax:

<child-component [myProperty]="myVariable"></child-component>

Passing functions as properties

<child-component (click)="myFunction()"></child-component>

Looping over iterables

When you want to iterate over an array use the following syntax:

<div *ngFor="let myItem of myArray">
  <span>{{ myItem }}</span>


When you want to render elements only on certain conditions use the following syntax:

<div *ngIf="myNumber === 1">
  When myNumber equals 1 the div element will be rendered

Angular Components

A generic angular component looks like this:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [],
  templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
  styleUrl: './my-component.component.css'
export class MyComponent {


The value of the selector is the name you need to use


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